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(A/n): Alright alright, it's too early to start writing but I'm tired of not writing. So I'll be starting work soon.-Vamp

Must know things 

We have a 2 year time skip

My writing style will change a bit more I will try and make less spelling errors 

We are going to use both realistic and more fantastical styles of magic in our story.

Ex. more spell work, meditation, tarot reading, shadow work, and even crystal work. all things i'm trying to work on myself

Also ex. levitating and cartoonish mind reading, charming like a vampire lmao, and star wars style floating choke holds. And sailor moon like changes to the body and outfit. 

Keep in mind this is also fantasy as well as fan fic, I want this to be cool.

I might enlist some help from friends for editing but for the most part i've always did things by myself so that's why these books have sucked, but I'm really hopeful about this one.

Also, (y/n) will remain gender neutral, but will lean more masculine for this story. Also you'll be surprised how easy it is for a non binary person to write a gender neutral character. 

also lots of music and lots of confusing dynamics, now that why are adults I feel things can get a bit more complicated.

Ps this is the second time I'm rewriting this.
see you in the chapters- Vamp 

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