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[Year: 2022, Mid of July]

It was finally all over.

Jason Miller could feel a large amount of weight lift itself off his shoulders as the young man was walking down the sidewalk. It was a cool night; a gentle breeze brushed through his black hair with the light of the full moon shining down on him. This was the kind of moment that Jason needed to unwind and relax after having finally graduated from Axion's Pristine University for Bright Minds (Yes — that was the full name of the College). He had spent four years getting his degree and having to try to keep his grades to an acceptable level of passing.

Miler never would have thought about going to college in the first place but his parents believed it would be a good opportunity for him. It was a bit stressful trying to keep his grades up, there were times that he wanted to rip his own hair out of his head. But in the end, he was able to make it to the end and graduate.

That was about a few days ago, Jackson was now moved into a two-story apartment complex. His place was on the second floor and the third door to the left, the room was medium size composed off a living room with a bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom. There wasn't much in the way of furniture at the moment but Jason is hopeful that he'll find a nice going job soon enough to afford some. The graduate was thinking of all the future plans that he had instore for his new place. 

He was feeling pretty good about himself. Done with college and moving into his own place has made the young man feel confident. As if there was nothing that could get him down now. 

As Jason was walking down the sidewalk, he comes across an alleyway where out of the corner of his eyes – he spot something. 

It was glowing light. 

It seemed dim at first, faint and would be easy to miss if someone didn't pay enough attention to it. Jason was a bit confused as to what the light might be and started to the dumbest thing in his life; walking towards it. Any normal person would decide to just ignore the mysterious light and walk away with no second thought. But there was something about the dim light that was alluring and had this kind of pull to it. During of which Jason was thinking to himself and trying to get control of his body. 

'W-What... what is going?'

'Why is my body moving on its own?' 

'Wait, is the light getting brighter?'

Indeed it was. The light was starting to become more intense, the glow increasing with every step that Jason took towards it. It grew in size as well and by the time Jason stood in front of it, it had grown double his own size while shining nearly as bright as the sun. He close his eyes in order to block out the intensity but his body continue to move forward towards the light. 

He tried to fight it. 

Tried to reign in control. 

But nothing worked and the next thing Jason Miller knew was complete darkness. 

Some Time Later





'Jeez, what is that noise? Matter of fact – where am I?'

Jason's eyes flutter open and immediately close them once a blinding light came into the picture. It takes a minute for Jason's eyes to adapt to the light, reopening them to see he was in a hospital room. He was resting in a bed while wearing a gown and had been hooked into a heartbeat monitor that beeps alongside his own heart. He looks around the room while propping himself up into right-up position and trying to figure things out. 

Why was he in the hospital, and what happened?

All the young man could remember was walking along the side walk, contemplating about his recent achievements before coming across an alleyway and – wait.

That light!

He remember there being a light in the alleyway that was faint. It should not have been something important but he remembers losing control of his body and walking towards the light. Afterwards Jason could only recall losing conscious and sinking into darkness. 


A sudden feminine voice broke him from his thoughts, causing him to looking towards the door and seeing his mom with his father just behind her. 

Susan Miller was a woman in her late thirties going on earlier forties but despite this, she was a beauty that shines like a star. She was around five feet in height and has a slim yet physical fit built that showcase the woman was not someone to be trivial with. Her hair was a dark raven color that came to about of her shoulders with a hairclip. The attire she was wearing consist of a dark green shirt, jeans, slip on shoes and coat folded in her arms. 

As for his father, Alexander Miller had always been a rather intimidating man as he stood at a 195cm total height (6'5"ft) with a very masculine built that is both powerful and humble. He has short, dark and unkempt hair that has speckles of grey along the sides, parts of his bangs shooting outwards in spikes and light brown eyes. Alexander's clothing is relatively minimal and pragmatic. He wears a tank top cut above the navel, gloves studded at the knuckles, fitting pants with a leather belt, and knee-high leather boots.

Susan Miller rushed towards her son and engulfs him in a hug that felt like getting a hug from a female grizzly bear. Jason's face immediately went flush and had the air cut off from his lungs. Jason's father just chuckles at the sight but then goes over to the pair and tries to calm down his wife. 

"Susan, the boy needs to the breath."

The mother did not want to let go of Jason but ultimately lets go once Alexander was able to pried her away. Jason sent a grateful look to his Dad while letting his mother take his hand and giving it a squeeze. His mother took up a position on the right side of the bed with his father moving over to the left side, a subtle look of worry in his eyes but did not make it open know. 

"How do you feel son?"

"Fine. Just trying to remember things."

"What do you remember? We got a call from the hospital about an hour ago that you were found in an alleyway pass out."

"I – wait, did someone find me?"

Before anyone could say another word, the door open up to reveal the doctor but Jason's mind took a halt at who the figure was. The doctor was not a normal one – instead he was a rather large, muscular, giant panda. A literal human-like animalistic panda.... what in the literal HELL was going on here. The Panda has a scar on his left cheek and across his right eye while wearing casual clothing underneath the white coat. 

"Mmm, finally awake kid. You've been out for a solid three to four hours."

................... What is going on?

 What is going on?

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