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Upon using Escape of Instantaneous Dungeons to return to his apartment, Jason learns that only an hour had past during his time within the dungeon. It felt longer but there were possibilities that time flowing in the dungeon is different than regular time. But that meant actually calculating and paying attention to the small details which he wouldn't be doing anytime soon. Looking at the time, the man noticed that there was still time to clean himself up before calling Colleen. He was a mess of sweat and dry blood from most of his pervious injuries.

What Jason soon figured out that after leveling up - any injuries or bruises that liter his body was instantly heal.

That was very useful since he didn't need to do any medical treatment to himself, nor explain the reason why he was injured in the first place. Jason had rushed to get himself clean up with a shower before dressing up. The young man styled with loose fitting blue jeans that were being held up by a belt, a plain white t-shirt, blue button-up dress shirt and some slip on shoes. It was simple yet still made him stand out a bit when among a crowd of people.

He has given Colleen a text on the matter of getting something to eat together and has replied quickly back with setting a time. Jason made sure to let the Border Collie know that they were neighbors with one another after having learned it himself.

Ten minutes later, he would find himself outside of his own apartment, resting against the guard rail. He waited for Colleen to show up while messing with his recently gained rewards. After dealing with the Manes and Hobgoblin (alongside leveling up) — Jason had gotten some unique items & skills.

Name: Jason Miler
Job: The Gamer
Level: LV 6 Next Level: 25.0%
Title(s): None
Age: 25 Years Species: Basic Human
HP: 100/00
MP: 100/00
STR: 20
VIT: 20
AGI: 20
INT: 20
WIS: 20
- None
- Strike Truthfully [LV 2]
- Aggressor [LV 1]
- Expand ▶︎
Point(s): 14
Money: $530.00

With going over the status window, Jason was thinking to himself that maybe he should spend some of his points. He had gotten a bit too close to death with that LV6 Hobgoblin and was wondering that if increasing a stat may grant some bonus abilities. The man remembered some game had a system that leveling up a certain stat would grant a random passive or unique skill/ability. Would it do the same thing with this? Only one way to find out as Jason decides to spend an equal amount of points into Strength and Vitality.

Name: Jason Miler
Job: The Gamer
Level: LV 6 Next Level: 25.0%
Title(s): None
Age: 25 Years Species: Basic Human
HP: 100/00
MP: 100/00
STR: 25
VIT: 25
AGI: 20
INT: 20
WIS: 20
- None
- Strike Truthfully [LV 2]
- Aggressor [LV 1]
- Expand ▶︎
Point(s): 4
Money: $530.00

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