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Jason POV:

I have been running for quite a while before coming to a stop, leaning against the brick wall while catching my breath. Just an hour ago — after having returned from my Instantaneous Dungeon — I witnessed something that I could only dream to see. Two of  Dc Universes' top heavy hitters were going at it with one another. My ears were still ringing from the shockwaves and large 'booms' that were created from the fight. Truly, it was one hell of a sight to see.

Kal-El, otherwise known as Superman, the last son of Krypton and embodiment of the American way. He was easily distinguished by the iconic blue skin tight suit with a large 'S' in the middle of it and red cape flowing in the wind. His overall appearance reminded me of his New 52 design which was honestly my personal favorite. But my attention was instantly taken away to the person who was fighting the Boy Scout in a fair manner.

Teth-Adam, promptly called Black Adam, the very first Champion of Shazam and Protector of Kahndaq. His outfit consists of the iconic black suit with lines of gold around certain parts and a large lightning bolt in the middle. His appearance was akin to that of Dwayne 'Rock' Johnson himself which kind of made me want to fanboy a little bit but held it together.

Thinking back to that moment — I could only say that it was a rather scary being near ground zero of the combat zone.

Superman and Black Adam were having a 'no-hold' bar fight with one another that practically shook the air itself when their fists clashed against one another. Sources have always indicated that both of them were rather decently equal to one another since Teth-Adam was fueled by Magic; one of Superman's weaknesses. Though I would say that Big Blue would be able to hold his own since he had handled magic users before and probably built up at least "some" kind of resistance to it. My thoughts started to drift back to the very moment when I had bare witness to their fight.


I was hiding behind a car as the battle between literal Gods was commencing above me at the moment, Kryptonian facing against a Magical Champion. I had mixed reactions towards the situation I found myself in. On one hand, two of my favorite DC Characters were real and having an epic showdown of a lifetime. But it was also a bit unnerving due to the sheer fact of how close I was currently and could feel a rush of wind with every strike.

Superman, the man of Steel, last son of Krypton.

Black Adam, the first Champion, Savior & Destroyer.

Both of these two powerhouses were in the middle of the city throwing down and fighting one another in a stalemate. Black Adam & Superman were often referred to as evenly matched with one another due Adam's magical origins alongside with Shazam. In my personal opinion — I used to adore Superman as a child and once dressed up as him during  Halloween. But growing up taught me  to respect and understand 'villains' such as Black Adam. Black Adam, or Teth-Adam by his mortal name, is one of my personal favorites when it comes to the Dc Universe.


I  duck behind a car to avoid the debris that was sent flying upon Superman being slammed into the sidewalk by Black Adam. Upon close examination, I came to realize that both Superman and Black Adam resembled their unique counterparts. Superman goes for a haymaker but is blocked by Black Adam's forearm who retaliates by smashing a fist into the Man of Steel's cheek.

Superman is sent hurling backwards a couple feet to only gather himself seconds after, shaking his head, and flying right back at his opponent. Teth-Adam responded in kind by pushing off the ground to meet the Kryptonian head on. The force of their collision caused a large shockwave to erupt, cracking nearby windows and sending multitudes of things flying. I was thankful that the car I was hiding behind wasn't affected too much other than being pushed just a couple of inches.

Both titans were at a standstill, hands locked against the other's, with some bantering going as well.

" I see that your strength still holds true, Superman. "

" And you're still acting like a tyrant as always, Adam. "

Yip, just the usual hero-villain banter that someone would 've guessed.

The fight continues on for several more rounds. However, I did not stick around long enough to see who the victor of the battle was. My mind was being rational about preserving my own well being and not get caught up in the matter.





Now you mean tell me that I have to deal with comic book characters as well?! First there was the fact that he had met with Colleen - someone who was meant to be a fictional figure in a cartoon -  and then see two of Dc's strongest fight it out downtown. What was next, was there going to be an influx of anime characters? Wait a minute.... that Panda Doctor.... he was familiar. Now it dawned on me that it was Gohin from the Beastars anime series.

Was this entire reality comprised of different franchises from various genres and themes? This seemed like some poorly written FanFiction came to life and now I was somehow in the middle of it .

In any case — I needed to sort some things out by trying to understand this new world that I've found myself in. There was just so much going on that I realized that I  really haven't taken a moment to process everything. Been  going with the flow so far since trying to make sense of my current situation would leave me with a rather intense headache. Heading towards the direction of what I could only hope was home, I'd spend the rest of the day searching on the web.

Apparently this world was a mixture of fiction come alive with several changes to not just Earth but to the whole reality and been compressed with many fandoms. Articles and websites filled up on a monitor screen as I went on a searching spread to gather up valuable information. One thing that I found fascinating was that the Earth of this reality was three times more massive than what it was normally with larger bodies of land. Meaning that some of the standard specimens would be slightly stronger due to the dramatic change and higher gravity pressure.

I leaned back into my chair, head currently pounding from the overload of information, staring at a computer screen can do that to a person.

What should I do with all of this? Now that I somehow have been transported into a completely different universe, what would be my goals? My dream?  Do I try to remain as a normal person or make myself stand out? Should I be a good person, dip my toe into some mischief, or stay out of things that would get me killed?

Thinking for a second - I mentally command for my 'stats' to appear.

Name: Jason Miller
Job: The Gamer
Level:  LV 8    Next Level: 17.9%
Title(s): None
Age:  25 Years    Species:  Basic Human
HP: 120/120
MP: 120/120
STR: 25
VIT: 25
AGI: 20
INT: 20
WIS: 20
- None
- Strike Truthfully [LV 2]
- Aggressor [LV 1]
- Death Curse [LV 1]
- Expand ▶︎
Point(s): 10
Money: $530.00

Looking at my 'player stats' — I've come to realize that there was only one route to take; just roll with it. Let things play out and respond accordingly to the events... no need to overthink.

But for now, it was time for sleep.

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