Missed you

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You are on the plane heading back home from filming the final scenes of a movie your in.
You text everyone but Joe that you are on you way home and will be off the plane soon.
*i wonder what his face will look like when I'm there* you thing to your self, what his reaction will be or what.
You jump by the sudden noise of the pilots voice that you can get off the plane.

*time skip ⏭ *

You meet everyone at ———'s house to have a little welcome back/congratulations party.

"Why are we having a party?" Joe asked since we obviously didn't know what was going on.
"I don't know maybe you could ask me?" You say while standing behind him.
"BABE!" He yells while twirling you around.
He said while giving you a ton of tiny kisses.
Everyone gets in a group hung because why not.
"Welcome back y/n" Millie Said hugging you the second tightest, since you know how is squeezing the life out of you.
"Y/n, good to see you!" Natalia says, you guys just gotten out of an disagreement that caused you two to separate from each other for a bit but know it's all better.
"Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" Eduardo yells from across the room just coming into the party.

The night was filled with hugs and tiny kisses
(Mostly by Joe and Maya 🥰🥺)
And of course Gaten is jumping all over you like a little kid.

Once everyone left you head back home to your shared condo with Joe and spent the night cuddling and a make out session or two 😏

A-Z Joe KeeryWhere stories live. Discover now