Chapter 2

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Joe:Yeah babe I can't wait to tell everyone

Galina:I'm so excited, I know this baby will be a blessing unto us

Joe:Amen my love

"Few minutes later,Neighbours coming to check where the noise was coming from"

Knock knock

Joe:I'll get it,just say here my love


Joe:Mother of my unborn children

Galina:ooh! Okay Joe

Joe:Who is there please?

Nicole:Yeah it's me nicole,remember your neighbour

Joe:Oh yeah I do

"Opens the door for Nicole"

Joe:Hii Nicole,good are you doing

Nicole:I'm good,you seem excited what's up..... I heard screaming and shouting

Joe:Well ,how do I put this I'm so happy.....

Galina:Hey Nicole good morning

Nicole:Hey galina

Galina:please don't mind Joe, a huge surprise just came his way ....don't worry you'll know when the time is right

Nicole:Okay ma,I'll take my leave now


Joe:Thanks for stopping by..

Nicole:You are welcome

"The two expectant parents got back into their house to further their discussion" could you?

Joe:How could I what?

Galina:Joe,what was that all about?

Joe:I wanted to tell her the goodnews

Galina:Joe,that's not how it's done as far as I'm concerned. I'm the one carrying your child

Joe:Okay mother of the century

Galina:Bae what was that for,please don't butter me would you please stop

Joe:Okay babe, what's your plan?

Galina:Well I'm thinking we should throw a party to announce the good news


Galina:Buh before that let's celebrate with a bottle of champagne

Joe:Yeah babe,qe are going to be parents.....whoo!!

"Galina and Joe celebrated the fact they were going to be parents, they drank and ate till it was daybreak around 7am in the morning"

Galina:Okay babe ,I have to go to work I need to check out my gym and the beauty paugent salon to go bye

Joe:Hold on ,hold up...mother of the century where dp you think you are going


Joe:What....don't, Joe me

Galina:What do you want from me babe, I have to go

Joe:You are not going anywhere babes ,I need you to go for a checkup to make sure everything is fine

Galina:The doctor....but!

Joe:No it's or but's , doctor now ok

Galina:Fine we'll go

Joe:Yeah babe ,that's my girl....don't worry you will be a great mum since you're already a great wife

Galina:Awnnnnn!! Thanks you so much

Joe:Me too.let me go get ready

Galina:Please don't be long okay

Joe:Yeah brb


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