Chapter 3

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"After 20minutes Galina whines about Joe taking time to get ready"

Galina:Bae what's happening, can we go?

Joe:Babe! Babe! Help me ....please come

Galina:What happened!

Joe:(Hands her a rose and goes on one knee,ope s a box which contains a ring)Well nothing happened I just wanted to say.....


Joe:Mother of the century, will you marry me again on our one year wedding anniversary.....which is tomorrow

Galina:Joe! Awnn! Yes I will I not married to you already, why are you so formal ad if we were single

Joe:so that's a yes

Galina:(smiling)Pf course I will

Joe:Thanks babe

Galina:So you remembered, I love you so much

"Galina and Joe kiss eachother till the following day and forgot about their doctor's appointment"

Galina:Joe Joe Joe

Joe:What is it babe

Galina:It's the following day


Galina:Joe see what you've caused, you always make me dance to your tunes


Galina:Now I have missed my meetings for a whole day thanks to you.

Joe:I'm sorry babe,but you were too beautiful for me to resist, afterall you are my wife

Galina:I'm angry with you,don't talk to me

"Joe gets up from the bed and's been an hour since Galina heard from Joe or Joe coming to check on her seeing as she's pregnant. Galina got worried and decided to check up on him "


Galina:Bae,what's up where are you ? Joe Joe Joe please don't stress me I'm already tired as it is .oh my word okay you win ,please come back to me I'm sorry I won't ne angry at you again ,you know I'm....

Joe:Okay I'm here and you are forgiven

Galina:What is this? Where were you I was worried

Joe:But you said you were angry and I decided to give you space

Galina:(crying)But I didn't mean it like that you know

Joe:Stop crying, your tears are precious you know please stop I was just kidding

Galina:But please don't go away from me again....okay I love you

Joe:Love you too. My mother of the century now please go get ready I have a surprise for you,now go!

Galina:Surprise not again, is this really necessary anyways I love surprises

After 20mins Galina walks towards Joe


Galina:I'm ready take me to the surprise

"Joe walks her towards the courtyard where the surprise awaits"

Joe:Here is your surprise

Galina:Joe, how thoughtful of come you remember how much I love indian movies especially their Marriage scenes......

Joe:(smiling)'re welcome

Galina:Thanks love

Joe:Now what we are going to be doing is our own Indian wedding



Galina:This can't be a dream.....Joe!

Joe:Yeah bae

Galina:I love you too much how thoughtful of you

Joe:So let's go change to our Indian attire then get Married

Galina:So let me get this straight as my wedding anniversary gift we are getting remarried the Indian style

Joe:Yeah and another surprise


Joe:I love you too much to stop

Galina:(Gives him a kiss)Love you more

Joe:We will need witnesses right....

Galina:(in shock)Right....

Joe:Come in everyone


Joe:Yeah please come in


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