Chapter 11

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Galina comes out refreshed

Nicole: Which dress would you like to wear so I can get it

Galina: How did you know about he dress?

Nicole: Joe told me everything

Galina: Oh....check the wardrobe for a black dress

Nicole: Ok

Just as Nicole is about to check the door bell rings

Galina: Who could that be?

Nicole: I'll get it

Galina: Alright

Nicole: Yeah....who's there

Roman: My name is roman, I'm a delivery guy

Nicole: Ok

Roman: I have a package for Mrs Galina Anoa'i

Nicole: Ok, hold on

Galina: Who is it?

Nicole: There is a package for you

Galina: Package...I wonder who it's from?

Nicole: Ma...

Galina: Receive it

Nicole: Ok.....Please hand it over

Roman: I'll need you to sign here

Nicole: Ok

Roman: Done....thanks Goodbye

Nicole: Goodbye

Galina: Did you get it?

Nicole: Yeah but who is it from?

Roman: Give it to Mrs Anoa'i, she'll know

Nicole: Ok, thanks

Galina: Hey Nicole bring it, let me have a look

Nicole: Here you go

Galina starts unwrapping the package, then suddenly Joe calls


oe: Hey baby, did you receive the package?

Galina: Yeah I did, so it's from you

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