Chapter 17

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Galina: What!

Joe: No problem...I'm going to my Reigns at least she won't laugh at her father


Roshni: Yeah that's true, you go on

Joe: Yeah I'm going

Galina: Bye

Roshni:(Laughing)That was funny, sorry

Galina: No problem

Roshni: So what's the occasion

Galina: Oh yeah, Reigns will be one year tomorrow now how exciting is that?

Roshni: Oh my gosh...congrats!

Galina: Thanks

Roshni: So what's the plan?

Galina: Well I want to throw her a party in a grand style

Roshni: Ok

Galina: We'll get food, snacks, drinks, games and I'm inviting her classmates from school, her friends and family members

Roshni: Ok what's the theme?

Galina: It's time to Reigns

Roshni: Nice, me likeee!

Galina: Ok let's start planning

Door bell rings

Roshni: I'll get it

Galina: Ok

Roshni: It's Nicole, right?

Nicole: Yeah, long time Roshni!

Roshni: Yeah nine months right, how are you doing I've missed you

Nicole: I'm fine, I'm really glad to see you

Roshni: Same here, we are going to be partners again

Nicole: Nice, for what this time?

Roshni: Well, Gabby will tell you

Nicole: Ok

Roshni: You are energetic and active, me likee!

Nicole: Thanks

Galina: Once you both are done there, can you come and lend me a hand here!

Roshni: Coming, let's go!

Nicole: Yeah I'll close the door

Roshni: Guess who's here!

Galina: Nicole!

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