Chapter 20

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Galina: Joe, Joe where are you?

Joe: Oh heyy Gabby I'm in Reigns bedroom

Galina: Oh, coming

Joe: Yeah

Galina: Oh finally, come here Reigns I've missed you.....did you miss me?

Joe: No, she answered what a child!

Galina: She's our child afterall, it's ok

Joe: Anyways how are the preparations coming along

Galina: Yeah, everything's ready and set

Joe: Good, what's wrong

Galina: I'm just tired, that's all

Joe: Why don't you go to our room and get some rest before the guest arrive later

Galina: I'll go now.....later

Joe: Yes, yes go

Galina: Byee sweetie

Joe: That's a good girl, she literally just smiled at you

Galina: Later

It's 12:58pm and Galina, Roshni, Nicole, Joe and even Reigns are fast sleep.....suddenly the house alarm wakes them up, saying its "12:58pm party time"

Joe: What?

Galina: Oh my gosh, someone should turn it off please

Roshni: Ohhh no

Nicole: Gosh!!!

Roshni: Wait, listen....... oh no

Nicole: It's 12:59pm, that means....

Roshni: It's party time, which means....

Nicole: One minute, till the guests arrive, gosh.....get up come let's go

Roshni: Yeah, we need to get ready

Nicole: I'll go wake Gabby and turn the àlarm off

Roshni: Thank God, the alarm woke us up only God knows what would have happened

Nicole: Yeah, that's right

Roshni: Come on, get going

Nicole: Yeah, will do

Galina gets angry and locks herself inside the room to avoid hearing the alarm when Nicole is about to come call her

Galina: Finally, some peace and quiet

Nicole: Gabby Gabby

Galina: Yeah, what's it?

Nicole: Listen

Galina:(listening)it's 12:59pm

Nicole: You hear that?

Galina: Oh no, I hear it

Nicole: Come on, out!

Galina: Thanks Nicole, turn off the alarm......I'll be ready quickly thanks

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