Chapter 23

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7hours later, Galina and Joe are caught watching a movie

Joe:(A call from Reigns's bus)Yeah....

Rose: Good afternoon sir

Joe:(talking to Galina)Yes..........its rose

Galina: Ooh, carry on

Joe:(Talking to Rose)You were saying

Rose: We'll be in the house in 10minutes

Joe: Ok, see you

Rose: Goodbye sir

Joe: Yeah

Galina: So.......

Joe: What?

Galina: What did she say?

Joe: It's nothing, let's carry on

Galina: Talk, now!

Joe: Forget it

Galina: Excuse me

Joe: Gabby.......

Galina: Don't gabby me........I'm angry, hummm

Joe: Seriously

Galina:(Existing the room)Yeah

Joe: Galina, wait up!

Galina: No, I'm leaving

Joe: Ok, fine

Galina: Huh huh

Joe: She said they will soon get here

Galina: Serious!

Joe: Yeah, happy

Galina: Yeah, let's tidy up

Joe: No need, let them come

Galina: Kidding?

Joe: No, let's finish the movie at least!!

Galina: Ok

Joe: Good

10minutes later

Horn from Reigns school bus......

Door bell rings

Reigns: Daddy.......

Galina:Is it only your daddy, I'm also here......(Going to vomit)

Reigns: Mummy!!

Galina: Excuse me

Reigns: Daddy!!

Joe: Yes baby

Reigns: Is Mummy, ok?

Joe: She's fine, I guess

Reigns: You sure daddy?

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