Chapter 13

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One hour passed the girls were caught watching King of Hearts on Zee World when suddenly Joe arrives and Galina goes into labour

Brie: Roshni is really in love with siddharth but her mum didi, will not let her marry him because he portrayed himself as poor when he is in fact rich.....yeah!!

Kim: I agree she loves siddharth

Naomi: I so love their love story

Galina in agony and pain but keeps quiet

Roshni: Gabby, are you feeling alright?

Galina: Yeah.....Ahh my waist....Ahhh

Kim: Gabby!

Roshni: What's wrong

Brie: I think she is about to go into labour

Galina: Ahhhhhhh

Naomi: Quick someone get water

Carmella: Let's help her to the hospital

Galina: Yes please

Suddenly the door bell rings

Natalia: Someone's at the door

Roshni: Go get it but she's in pain

Galina: Oh no, it's.....Ahhh

Roshni: Don't talk, let's go to the hospital

Natalia: I'm coming

Galina:(In shock)Guys.....

Roshni: Stay calm Gabby

Galina: Listen to me.....ahhhh

Brie: Oh no look

Kim: Did your water just break

Roshni: Oh no...

Carmella: Omg now she's really going to go into labour

Joe: Heyy beautiful....ladies.....oh my gabby baby

Galina:(In pains and crying)Joe it hurts

Roshni: Hiii Joe come help her up, we have to take her to the hospital

Joe: Ok let's go...... the car is downstairs

With everyone's strength combine, they get Galina to the hospital

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