Chapter 19

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It's 8am in the morning and preparations are being made for Reigns birthday, Roshni and Nicole are awake so they take up the responsibility to get everything in order then they realise Galina is not aware yet.

Nicole: Heyy Roshni, its 8am in the morning and Galina is no where to be seen?

Roshni: I really don't know, let me check

Nicole: Ok, check the master bedroom I'll check Reigns room

Roshni: No problem, be quick!

Nicole: She's not in her room

Roshni: Found her!

Nicole: Where?

Roshni: Here in Reigns room, be quiet ok you need to come see them so cute

Nicole: Yeah.....I see, so they all slept here last night, I'll wake her up

Roshni: No wait, let me first take a picture

Nicole: But, ok be quick......we have alot to be done

Roshni: Yeah Yeah, done


Roshni: Nicole, how naughty!

Nicole: What, me!

Roshni: Anyways, Good morning

Nicole: Rise and shine

Roshni and Nicole pulls the curtains back so as the sun comes in and wakes them up properly

Joe:(Yarning)Oh my word, you have to be kidding me it's too early Gabby let me sleep more pls babe!

Galina:(Yarning)What....why call me, I'm right here by your side

Joe:(Iching his eyes)Ohh I see, it's you guys

Galina: Why disturb our sleep, so early in the mor........oh no

Roshni: Ohh yes that's right!

Galina: Ahhhh Joe!

Joe: What.....

Galina: It's 8:30am in the morning, that means.....

Joe: It's.....

Roshni: Say it...

Galina: Reigns birthday

Nicole: Yeah babe

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