Chapter 5

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Doctor bliss: I just gave her an injection,she'll for a while....and are you aware she's 5months pregnant.

Rosa: Ehhh thank you Jesus

Becky: So it is true, we were right all along

Joe: I'm aware,doctor...

Rosa:So you knew and didn't tell us?

Joe: Mum , Rosa ....this was not how she wanted you to find out..

Becky and Rosa:Ok

Joe: Just play dumb when she comes around..okay

Rosa: Fine

Joe: But doctor, my babe and baby are fine?

Doctor bliss: Yes they are fine, she should not just undergo stress of any sort

  "Galina waking up after been given an injection"

Joe: Doctor thanks for coming, you may take your leave

Doctor bliss: Your welcome, take care of your wife and me if you need anything

Joe: Bye thanks doc

Galina: Joe ,did you carry me from the altar

Joe: (Laughing)No I didn't, you fainted

Galina: Ooh no,hope they aren't aware of my....

"Just then the entire family walks in"

Joe: Come in

Galina: Hii Everyone

Rosa: How are you feeling dear?

Galina: I'm better mum...let's go finish the ceremony

Joe: Yeah after you get some rest

Galina: Joe I want us to do it now..please

Joe:If you insist

Galina: Let's go

Joe: Careful!

Priest: Take your wedding vows

Becky: Go on

"After the 7 vows were completed"

Priest: Apply the vermillion on her forehead and put the wedding chain around her neck

Joe:Ok Priest

Priest:I now pronounce you man and wife

Galina: Yes we are married again!!

Joe:Are you happy now?

Galina:Yes my love,my dream wedding.....

Joe: Carry on

Galina: Now to business with further or do...listen up everyone we have an announcement to make,well....

Joe: Galina and I have not only become man and wife in your presence but we are also going to be...

Galina: Parents soon!!!

Joe: Which means my beautiful and awesome wife here ....


Joe: My mother of the century Galina is pregnant!!

"Everyone shouts congratulations"

Galina:Thank you everyone for sharing in our joy

Joe:Thank you

Rosa: A very big congratulations

Becky: Yeah I'm so happy and excited

Rosa: Becky and I suspected it would be you were pregnant

Galina:Oh really...thanks mum

Becky: My beautiful and wonderful daughter in law thank you and congrats finally I have a grandchild

Joe: Mum ,what of you son?

Becky: Nothing for you,what did you do...she's the pregnant one not you...

Joe: But mum!!

Becky: Don't mum me,leave me alone


Joe:You're Laughing,I'll get you


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