Chapter 6

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Randy orton:My children thank you ,I can't wait for this bundle of joy to arrive

Galina: Very soon dad,thank you

Joe:Dad I did something too but no one thanks me!

Seth Anoa'i: If they don't I will....

Joe: Thanks dad

Rosa: Let's make a toast to life,love and grandchildren


Becky: Everyone enjoy your feast!

Nicole jasper: Joe, Galina!!

Joe: Nicole!!!

Nicole: Hiii

Joe: How are you doing ?

Nicole: I'm fine

Galina: Nicole my dear...

Nicole: You look nice

Galina:(Smiling)I'm so sorry for not informing you about our pregnancy but how did you know about the anniversary

Nicole: Joe invited for the anniversary party but didn't inform me about the pregnancy

Joe: And my gabby said it should be a surprise

Galina: Yeah

Nicole: It's ok, I just to say congratulations

Joe: Thanks

Randy: Gabby , Joe we'll take our leave now it's getting late

Joe: Can't you at least spend the night

Rosa: We have alot to do at the office

Galina: Ok mum

Rosa: Bye dear,call me if you need anything

Randy: Byee

Galina: Love you

Joe: Take good care of yourselves

"10minutes later"

Seth: We'll also have to go

Becky: I hope to hear the goodnews soon!

Galina: Yes ma,very soon

Joe: Byee

Galina: Please take care of yourselves

Seth: See you guys later


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