Chapter 4

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Galina:When did you do all this?


Galina:So you love me this much I am so glad I have you as a life partner

Joe:Same here

Galina:I love you so much

Joe:Love you too.....priest we will be back in less than 5mins till then everyone have your seat

Galina:Mum, dad please take your seat

Rosa orton:Ok dear,go change

Joe:Rosa....Randy welcome please feel free to get anything you want its your house

Rosa orton:ok dear we'll do.thanks

Randy orton:What of seth and becky

Joe: they are on their way

Galina: Oh here they are

Joe: We just spoke of you mum and here you are you doing?missed me

Becky Anoa'i:Of course I did ! you are my only son and the soul heir of this family


Becky Anoa'i :It was just a year you got married and you haven't changed one bit,still childish

Joe: No mum I'm how are you doing?

Seth Anoa'i:I'm good ,my boy

Galina: Good afternoon sir,I welcome you all to our humble home ....make yourself at home afterall it's your son's house

Joe:(smiling)Correction our house

Galina:(smiling)Yeah yeah

Priest:It's time to begin the ceremony, the bride and groom should get ready


Galina: We have to go get ready

Randy orton: It seems those two are up to something, do you agree seth?

Seth Anoa'i :Yeah I do,they look more happy than usual as if.....

Rosa orton: You mean....

Becky Anoa'i: Galina mis that it?

Rosa orton:Yeah it's possible....I just hope it's true

Becky Anoa'i:But my son..

Rosa orton:Doesn't keep anything from you right?

Becky Anoa'i: Same here but....

Seth Anoa'i: Ladies calm down and stop concluding ,we only said they looked happier

Randy orton: If there is anything we need to know ,we are here....

Rosa orton:(smiling)....

Randy orton:We will be informed right away okay.

Becky Anoa'i: Okay o

Rosa orton:But I hope it's true

"After some minutes Joe and Galina walk aisle accompanied by galina's younger sister and nieces"

Priest: Let's begin the ceremony. Please take your seat.....take this and pour it into the holy fire

Joe: Ok Priest...... come on Galina

Galina: Joe! Stop it

Joe: What!!

Galina: (Giggling)You know what you did

Joe: (Quickly gives her a peck on the cheek)What ? Ok fine

Galina : Joe!!

Becky Anoa'i : Joe.....stop it,its a ceremony behave, you are Married for God sake

Joe : But mum she's my wife

Becky Anoa'i: Behave yourself I said.....carry on

Joe: Ok babe.....I'll get you

Galina : Mum he says he'll get me for this

Becky Anoa'i: We'll deal with him later.....carry on dear

Galina: Ok mum

Priest : Now stand up on your feet for the wedding vows


Priest: The groom will go four times,then the bride three together you'll both complete seven times which represents your seven life together

"Galina locks her hands with Joe's....."

Becky Anoa'i:Yes

Joe :Ok Priest, come on babe

"All of sudden , galina faints and everyone goes into panic mode"

Joe: Galina bae , what's wrong please wake up! Someone get water

Becky Anoa'i: Call the doctor

Rosa orton:What's wrong with her

Rosa orton : Pick her up joe and take her to you room

Seth Anoa'i: Don't worry

"After 30mins the doctor arrives"

Joe: Doctor! Doctor! Where have you been ,my wife ,my gabby,mother of the century.....please examine her

Doctor bliss : Please everyone wait outside

Joe : Ok please lets go


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