chapter [2]

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Dorian's POV

Did he just... disappear through a portal? I rubbed my forehead when trying to control this anger all because of that creature. I was glad no one witnessed this or else my reputation would have taken serious damage.

This mission had been nasty enough as it was but in the reports of this school there hadn't been listed any variables like him.
I pushed myself up from the floor, fixed my hair and straightened my coat before heading out of the nearest window that I found.  Flying during daytime like this was too dangerous considering the fact that this mission ought to stay undiscovered so I just spread my wings for a moment to glide down to the school grounds while some human kids left their school building, giggling or staring at anything ahead of them gloomy as always.

Searching for that one guy would prove to be useless right now but there wasn't a single soul who ever got away with insulting to royal family like this. I had to find him...

"Your Highness" I almost jumped in surprise when Ilayda suddenly appeared in front of me. I had told her to wait for me here but this whole situation had left me unfocused... damn it.

"Ilayda" I sighed and pulled her up from the dirty floor where she was kneeling.

"I told you not to bow and kneel every time we meet. You are a royal guard but you are my friend as long as we're not around the fairy folk." I complained to her for the hundredth time and dusted the dirt off her uniform and armor that reflected the sunlight like the surface of the ocean.

"I will try my best, Your Highness." She bowed slightly again and kept talking in a serious manner like a soldier would do. Was it due to her past in the royal army that she often did that?

"Seriously, drop that. I need you to look into something." I turned on my heel and started walking. When she followed behind me quickly like a loyal dog I couldn't hide a grin. Despite being one of the most powerful people I knew, she was oddly cute.

"Look into something, your highness?" Was the mission not successful?" She wondered and began to scan me up and down to which I responded by pulling down my sleeves. If she was to see the burning marks Ilayda would probably lose her marbles... in that sense she was almost as dramatic as mother.

"No, it was successful but I was interrupted by someone who wasn't in the report of mystical creatures near this school building." I told her and fixed a strand of hair that had been falling into my face this whole time.

"They must be new here then." The royal knight concluded but I had already eliminated that option.

"No, I'm certain he is a student there... usually, we wouldn't care if there was a little fairy or goblin blood flowing through his veins but I couldn't identify his powers. What I know for certain is that he possesses a great power but seems to live among humans. He also has an accomplice that helped him to escape through a portal. As a possible threat to this districts peace he needs to be registered and analyzed."

"But, Your Highness... since when do you concern yourself with the lower folk?" Ilayda raised an eyebrow in suspicion when we reached the car of the royal fairy family.
She was right... usually, I would have forgotten about someone like him in a few days or I would have sent my underlings to pay him a nice visit but this guy... he had definitely possessed the strength to seriously injure me back then... however, I couldn't imagine any regular power to be strong enough to oppose mine. The most important part was his ability to break through my ice magic... I wasn't sure yet but maybe he could finally be the one I was searching for.

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