chapter [6]

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Dorian's POV

"Urgh" I silently groaned when the pounding pain in my head brutally pulled me out of my sleep.
What was this weak slumbering feeling? I had never woken up so... uncomfortable. My neck was killing me.

Slowly remembering what had happened yesterday I opened my eyes.

"Ah..." I sighed when I was met with the eyes of that strange boy directly staring into mine.

"Good morning" He creepily grinned at me and shoved a mug of strangely smelling liquid into my face.

"It's 'good morning Your Highness' " I corrected him. Not being fully awake yet I took the mug out of instinct and he backed off with a satisfied smile.
That's when I realized I was tied to a chair. From my chest down to my feet he had used all kinds of ropes and chains to tie me down. Only my left arm and my head were able to move freely.
How absurd, as if that was enough to take me hostage. Did this brat underestimate me that much?

In disbelief, I watched him taking another mug for himself and sitting down right in front of me. His unruly locks were pointing to all directions and his firey red eyes had turned back to brown once again.
If I wanted to, I was out of here in a few seconds but the decision to play along for now was more in my favor.
Vael certainly possessed great power but it seemed easy to believe that he actually just acquired them recently. In other words... he was like a child. His power was uncontrolled and most likely triggered by stressful situations.
On top of that, he made a confused appearance, as if he didn't know what exactly he wanted.

If I played this out nicely I might get the opportunity of winning him over to my side. It was hard to admit but we needed powerful soldiers on our side in times like these. Also... his firey power was... quite interesting. I wanted to know more about it and perhaps... it might finally be the cure for my condition.

"What is this?" I asked and smelled the bitter liquid in disgust.
Vael observed me for a moment and tilted his head slightly. It was that same behavior of any human I had encountered.

"Don't tell me you don't know what coffee is..." he sounded exhausted and held his head.

"Just drink it or leave it. I'll give you water instead." He sighed and took the mug out of my hand again. Actually, I considered consuming this disgusting brew for the sake of showing my trust but water was by far the better option here.

"How kind of you. I swear just hours ago you were trying to rip my hair off." I took a sip of the dusty tasting water and noticed him not reacting in the slightest. Instead, he just sat there and watched me so focused that it was almost disturbing.

"I will ask you a few questions and you will answer each of them unless-"

"Unless what?" I grinned at him and his unbelievably bad threats so he shut his mouth for a moment.

"Will you cut of my fingers or poke out my eyeballs? I doubt your soft heart could take it." I remarked the obvious. This failure... if he had wanted to get information out of me he wouldn't have offered me something to drink and I should have been at the limit of my strength from being tortured by now. But this guy... he just sat there in front of me to have a nice little chat. He had a lot to learn indeed.

"I heard your hair is very precious to you. How about I cut off a bit of it instead?" Vael pulled out scissors from behind his back and I swallowed dryly. He wouldn't, right? No. Not my hair... right?

"Now then, where is Sam?" He proceeded and I was about to answer when another thought made me reconsider what to say.
Ilayda was supposed to knock Vael's friend unconscious and place her somewhere safe to wake up. But where did she go after that? Wasn't Ilayda supposed to be searching for me right now? How come no one wondered why I wasn't back at the palace yet?

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