chapter [13]

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"You said you trained the last few days?" Ilayda asked when the three of us stood behind an old house in a back alley near the city center. We had packed some things and come here to use a portal since going to the great volcanos with any other method would take us several days.

I was surprised when Ilayda talked to me like this and looked at her unsurely for a moment. Different from usual she was now wearing a uniform that fit her body tightly. It was a black suit with several parts of leather and steel armor attached. The hilt of her great sword was sticking out at the side and the upper part of her hair was tied together at the top of her head where a headpiece made of silver symbolized her status as fairy knight. In her expression I could not sense any hostility.

"Yes I did..." I shortly answered and both of us turned around to see the portal slowly opening up where Dorian had casted a spell. Portals were very difficult to create and thus only possible at certain places to certain times and with the strength of a skilled magician like Dorian.

"That's good." Ilayda said and made eyecontact with Dorian for a second who was fully concentrating in manifesting a stable portal.

"Our mission is to find out what's behind the demons beginning to gather in the forest and evaluate the danger of the situation. The fairy queen's army is ready to mobilize whenever we give the signal but they are not able to attack within the forest." The guard continued explaining.

"Why?" I wondered about this forest that I hadn't picked up much information about yet.

"There is a treaty forbidding any sort of violence between the folk of the Fairy Queen and the Demons within both the forest surrounding the ancient volcanos and the area of the Queen's palace... they are safe zones respected by both sides." She added and I just nodded along. At least I didn't have to fear a war breaking out while we went there.

"However, this will only take us to the entrance of the forest that surrounds the volcanic mountains. Anything further that is still considered Dragon King territory is not reachable by portals. Communication with the outside world will not be able in this area, too" She added giving me a strange look before she continued.

"When we arrive, we might immediayly be attacked so you need to be prepared to showcase some of your skill, alright?" She warned me but it sounded like she enjoyed it. On the other hand Dorian rolled his eyes at her.

"Don't scare the puppy, we'll arrive just fine..." he sighed and I smiled sarcastically at his remark. Dorian himself was wearing a fully black leather suit with several pockets attacked, just like Ilayda he had brought weapons with him but instead of a sword he carried a beautifully shaped bow in the color of the ocean.
I myself had received a smililar suit that'd not catch fire when I used my magic. Other than that I had told them I wasn't in need of any weapon or shield.

"Ready?" Dorian asked but when I wanted to answer he had already grabbed my hand and pulled me to him so the three of us were right in front of the glowing waterlike magic portal.

"Ladys first?" Dorian turned to the side and showed Ilayda the way. She just shook her head and pulled out the bluely glowing sword before fearlessly advancing through the portal.
It was only me and Dorian left when he slapped me on my butt.

"Good luck, puppy" He said and before I could do anything he had already pushed me through the portal.

I hit the ground hardly when the portal closed behind us. The ground was covered in grass that was wet from the rain and the surrounding area was dark and quiet. We had indeed appeared at the entrance of a giant forest that covered the view of the countless volcanos up ahead. Some of them were glowing faintly at the top, some showed no activity at all.

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