Chapter 12

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Zero stood outside of the crowd of people who were busy chatting and taking small sips of alcohol in expensive tuxedos. The room was full of light and calm music that was accompanied by the light tapping of shoes from people dancing or just walking to the next person they were about to talk to. Zero felt out of place as he carefully watched everyone drink and enjoy themselves without caring how much they were spending each time they got a new glass of alcohol.

"Are you not enjoying yourself?" a voice asked from behind Zero.

He didn't turn around, instead, he just smiled and took another sip of his alcohol. "I don't usually go to events like this, so I feel a bit out of place at the moment. Regardless, everyone seems happy, and the music is enjoyable." When he finished his sentence, he finally turned around to face the goddess in front of him. Her white hair styled neatly as it swayed down to the small of her back. The white dress she had clung tightly to her body and showed off her curves. She also had silver jewelry on various parts of her body and Zero noticed one in particular that he'd seen before. It hung off her neck and seemed to stare directly at him.

"Why don't I introduce you to my friends here? I'm sure that'll make you feel a bit more comfortable in this environment."

"I'll be honored," he said as they both began to walk through the crowd of people until they eventually stopped at one man who seemed to take a liking to everything someone put on a table. He was so plump that he could hardly fit in the suit he was wearing but he somehow still had multiple women hanging all over him.

"Christopher," the boss spoke, and it instantly captured the man's attention.

"Boss," he said as he bowed his head slightly. "It is truly an honor to be invited to such an event by someone as beautiful as you." He picked his head up and his eyes didn't leave her once. "Shall we toast to an amazing party?"

"We shall, but first I want to introduce you to one of my most recent additions to our game," she moved slightly so that everyone's eyes could land on Zero and they did exactly that. "This is Zero."

"Zero?" Christopher said with an angry expression on his face. Though Zero didn't know why the man was suddenly so angry, he felt like he needed to do something to defuse the situation. "Aren't you the guy who was standing over there? I thought you were a bodyguard."

Laughing, Zero put his head behind his head to show innocence. "Yeah, I was kind of nervous to meet someone of your status, so I just stayed to myself for a while."

"My status? So, you must have heard about me, huh?" Christopher asked with a smile on his face while raising his head a bit higher.

"Of course, sir," Zero said while smiling. "I was going to greet you myself until I heard so many people talking about how great you were. Eventually, it just broke my nerves down until I finally told myself to just quit."

"Well, I'm glad I could finally meet you kid," Christopher said with a smile on his face. He was smiling so hard now that it seemed his face would get stuck.

The boss smiled as she watched the interaction, but her eyes never left Zero's face. "Zero is my newest investor so I thought you two could get acquainted with each other."

"I see," Christopher said. "What do you do to get your wealth?"

"I'm an adventurer who just got lucky by beating the boss's dungeon in the fire region. Now I'm just trying to grow my wealth even further, but I could never get to your level, sir. It's just too far out of my range."

"Maybe we can help each other out," Christopher said as he put a hand on Zero's shoulder.

"I would like that," Zero said.

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