Chapter 1

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I'm woken up by the sound of my loud alarm. My body is soo tired. I get out of bed and head to the shower. I get dressed in navy blue formal pants, long sleeve white shirt and black block heels. I tie my afro into a bun and apply Vaseline on my face and lips. I grab my phone and my bag and head downstairs.
"Morning madam"
"Morning Prudence" I don't know how many times I've told this child to stop addressing me as madam but she keeps on doing it so ayi I give up
"Do you want breakfast or are you going to grab something on your way out?" she asks
"just make me a fruit salad"
"Okay madam"
I scroll on my phone and I get a message from the husband.
'I miss you soo much. I'm coming back home tomorrow '
Ever since Mzwakhe got married his family suggested that he spends four months with his new wife. Pathetic. I honestly don't know how to feel about him coming back home. I won't lie and say I didn't miss him, I enjoyed my own company.
I finish eating my fruit salad and arrive at work 5 minutes before clock in time. I get in my office and do what I'm being paid for. Before I even know it is lunch time. My friend Tumisho gets in my office holding two takeaways.
"friend Ke ho twarstse dijo" (I got you food) she says passing the takeawy to me
"kealeboha" (thank you) I say
"keng o kare o thuntswe  ke teraka?" (you look like you've been hit by a truck) she questions while bitting her burger
"Mzwakhe o kgutlela hae hosane" (Mzwakhe is coming back home tomorrow)
"So why are you looking like shit, I mean you should be celebrating and waxing you know. Getting you groove on."she says
" Mzwakhe ha a kaba a itshwenya le ho ntetsetsa ha a ntse a thabisa mosadi wa hae wa bobedi. (Mzwakhe didn't even bother calling me while he was busy entertaining his second wife) I say
"but friend you also agreed for him to take a second wife"
"what could I have possibly done? You know that his ancestors wanted him to marry Nkuli"
"You knew very well that he had a chosen wife but you still married him"
"my heart chose him Tumisho. I love him. I love Mzwakhe with every Fibre in my bone" I couldn't hold it in anymore, I just cried
"I'm sorry Basie I'm being insensitive right now."
"its okay friend. I mean it's my own mess now. None of my inlwas have bothered calling and asking me how I am. Even Ntombi doesn't call anymore. My mother in law does not care anymore. I feel so alone right now" I continued crying"
Tumisho got up from her chair and comforted me. After a while I wiped my tears and composed my self.
After the crying saga, I continued with my work and soon after that it was knock off time. I got home took a shower and got into bed. Off I went to lala land

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