Chapter 9

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Day 7. The day I meet my maker. I've finally made peace with how my life is going to end. What pains me the most is leaving my loved ones behind. I haven't talked to any of them in the past two months. My mother, father and my lovely friend Tumisho. Would they notice that something is wrong? Would they notice that something happened to me? I pray that they find my remains. One thing that makes me  content is being able to join my grandma and my brother in heaven. I've been tortured and stripped off my dignity for the past seven days. Who would have thought that my marriage would end in tears. Jokes on me.

I'm staring at the door, waiting for the man of the hour to show his face. The bodyguards have been keeping a close eye on me as if I would try to escape. The door creeks open, a black shiny pair of combat boots are what I see first,his body follows. He is dressed in all black as if it is to symbolise death. My death. I look at him see no pity in his eyes.

"Untie her", he orders. The guards adhere to his command.
"On your feet" he orders again. I do as I'm told. He walks out and the guards follow him while dragging me with them of course. We find one car outside. Mzwakhe gets in the driver's seat while the guards and I sit at the back. I'm sandwiched between the two guards. The car takes off. My mind is blank. I don't even want to think about anything right now. I just wanna get over and done with this. After about 30 minutes of driving the car comes to a halt.

Mzwakhe is the first one to leave the car. The guards and I follow behind him. I'm surprised to see my car parked next to a huge tree. Now that I'm not blank anymore, I see that we are in   cliff. I hope that this man will make my death quick and bearable. He looks at me with a face I can not decipher.

"You know I'm not a bad guy. I'm actually a good guy but I mean good guys also have their breaking points. I never wanted to do this to you Basi, but I'm out of options. I won't bear the pain of seeing you with another man. Seeing you pregnant with another man's child. So help me end this fear Basi, help me end this pain. I really don't want to kill you but I have to. I know I may sound like a psycho but I'm doing this for us baby. I'm doing all of this for us. By killing you not only am I helping myself but I'm also giving you the chance to reunite with  brother in heaven. I'm giving you  a gift that no one else would be able to give you"He says.

He takes a huge breath and looks at me. "I love you. I really do, that is why I have decided on making your death more bearable",he says.
Something hits me on my head. I turn around and see the guard holding his gun up. My cerebellum got triggered there because I lost balance and before I knew it, it was lights out for me.

"Pick her up and put her in her car" Mzwakhe orders. The guards quickly picked her up and put her in her car. A lot of emotions are running through Mzwakhe's mind. He is contemplating on doing what he is about to do. This is his woman, his wife, his love. People may not understand why he is doing this but he keeps on reassuring himself that he is not a bad guy. Or is he?

"Madoda, this is what we'll have to do. We'll push her car over the cliff, it will seem as if she was the one driving the car and somehow she lost control", he says.
"Boss are you sure that this won't lead back to us? " one guard questions.
"Do I look like a fool? This plan is going to work.",Mzwakhe.
"Boss I have a family and going to jail is not an option for me.", the second guard says.
"You're behaving like a bunch of pussies right now. Didn't I pay you for your services? Don't fucken test me, now help me push the damn car!", Mzwakhe.

The men stand behind Basi's car. Mzwakhe asks the guards to give him a minute to send his goodbyes. He opens the door and looks at her beautiful face. Although it looks deranged but she's still the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes on.

"Sthandwa sami. I want you to know that I love you. I want you to remember that I'm doing all of this for us. Maybe this is how our love story is supposed to end. We will meet again in the afterlife and continue from where we left of. I love you maMooketsi", he kisses her dry lips.

He goes and stand behind the car and they all start pushing it. The car moves and gets closer to the edge of the cliff. They add more force, they push and push and push until the car falls down.

Mzwakhe watches the car roll down. He knows that Basi is dead now. At least she died while she was still unconscious.

"Boss do you really think that she's dead?", guard 1.
"Do you think someone might survive such an accident? Stop being a fool and drive me home"

They all get into the car and drive back home.

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