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Chapter 11

I look at my surroundings, I see nature's true beauty. Everything is green. The air is fresher. Everyone here is happy. I spot my brother and quickly run to him.
"Abuti, Abuti, Abuti" !!!! (Brother, brother, brother), I say.
He picks me up and twirls me around. A boisterous giggle leaves my mouth. I'm soo happy to see him.
" Little one", he says.
"I missed you so so much. Why did you leave? ", I ask with a cracking voice.
" It was time my love. I couldn't stop it. I had to leave", he answers.
"No!! You didn't. You left me all alone. You left me with no one. You were my only confidant. The only person I trusted with my life", I say.
"No my love I didn't leave you alone, I left you with mom, dad and your husband", he says with a smile plastered on his face.
"My husband? He is a monster!!He abused me both physically and emotionally. He raped me. He broke me. He got married to another woman. He stripped me off my dignity.", I say as a heart piercing sob leaves my mouth.
He puts me down. He embraces me in a warm hug and comforts me. This is all I ever wanted. No one knows me better than this man.
" In all due time it shall be revealed. I want you to do me a favour  ", he says.
I look at him with my glossy eyes , I can never say no to this man.
"Anything for you brother" I say.
"I want you to go back. You don't belong here.", he says.
"No!! No!!! I want to stay here with you. I want to be with you. I want to forget about the pain I've endured . I want to be happy with you" I say.
"It's not your time yet. I want you to go back to the land of the living. I want you to always remember that I'm always with you. I may not be present physically but I'm always watching over you. You have not yet fulfilled your purpose, you need to go back and everything will be revealed to you ", he says.
" But I.. I want to stay", I say.
"I know, I know. But what about mom and dad? Do you want them to loose another child? Do you want them to go through all that pain?  your friend? A lot of people depend on you Basi. Do the right thing and go back. And always know that I love you"
"Can I...." I was cut short by an angry mob approaching us.
" Run Basi and don't return. Make sure that they don't catch you. Now Run little one! ", he shouted.
I let go of his grip and I ran. I was so scared. I looked back and I saw some of them beating my brother up while some were still on my trail. I ran so fast and I got into a forest. There was no exist, I didn't know this place.
The noise that the mob made got louder and louder.
"Oh God please help me. Please help me Lord", I said with  my heart beating fast.
I continued running until I saw a waterfall. I looked back and I saw that the angry mob had finally caught up with me. I looked down on the waterfall and it was steep. It was either I jump into the waterfall or I die in the hands of an angry mob. They came closer and closer. I had nothing to loose, I jumped into the waterfall. I couldn't swim. Panic washed over me and I struggled to stay afloat and to breathe.
I woke up gasping for air. I was in my wedding gown, it looked bloodied though. I tried lifting my hand but it was so hard. A strong stench hit my nostrils. GASOLINE. I was going to burn in my car. I grabed the handle and tried opening but it seemed to be stuck. I tried the door on the passenger side, it did the same thing. The car looked like it was turned upside down. I went to the back seat, I tried opening the doors there. Guess what?? They were also stuck. I tried opening the boot, it was stuck as well.
"Oh no, oh no. Father God please help me, please help me. HELP! HELP!", I was now a crying mess. I opened my glove box in search of something I could use to open the door. I found a mug and some papers . I decided to take the mug and figure out what to do with it.
" Father Lord I come to you today on the verge of dying. I pray that you help me to make it out alive. I ask you to send your holy angles so that they protect me. Help me oh Lord", I cried.
I knocked on the window with my mug over and over again. It wasn't breaking. I felt my body wanting to give up on me. My arm was now tired.
"Oh Lord please give me the strength.", I prayed.
I continued knocking on the the window until it broke.
"Oh thank you Lord, thank you Lord Jesus", I said.
The stench got stronger. I knocked on the window again, until it was broken enough. I took out my hand and grabed the handle outside. I tried opening the door and to my luck it opened. I pushed the door and tried crawling out, but something was holding me back. I looked behind me and I saw that my wedding gown was stuck. I had no time. The stench was getting stronger by the minute. I pulled and pulled and pulled until it tore apart . I crawled and crawled and I heard  a loud explosion. Then it was lights out for me.

I decided to update again just to cover up for the lost time😊I hope you'll enjoy this insert❤️

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