Chapter 10

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Dabulamazwe was in his indumba consulting with his ancestors. He felt an unsettling presence hovering in his indumba.
"Ubani Okhona?" (Who is there?), he asked.
He only felt a strong breeze hit his face. He has never feared anything in his life but he surely was afraid now.
"Ngithi zikhiphe wena moya omubi, ucabanga ukuthi ngiyakwesaba Yini? " (Reveal yourself you evil spirit or do you think that I'm afraid of you?, he questioned.
He got no response. He took white powder and he began sprinkling it around his ndumba. He chanted and chanted and he asked his ancestors to protect him.
" hamba moya omubi. Buyela la ophuma khona"(Go away you evil spirit. Return to where you came from), he commanded
"DABULAMAZWE" he heard a loud bold voice call his name.
"Ubani Okhona?" (Who is there?), he asked again.
"That boy has tampered with fate. We told you to warn him and you failed. He tried to kill the chosen one. He will bare the consequences of our wrath" , said the voice.
" Oh great one, please forgive him. He was driven by love and anger. Don't punish him", begged Dabulamazwe.
"Every action has consequences and he will have to bear the consequences",
Dabulamazwe could not feel the heavy presence anymore and he knew that the spirit had left. He felt sorry for Mzwakhe but he knew that he could not stop what was about to happen. He knew that one must never tamper with fate.

Mzwakhe got home looking quite disturbed. He couldn't believe that he killed someone. He couldn't belive that he killed his own wife, but he didn't have a choice, right? He kept on reassuring himself that he killed her for the both of them. Well he wouldn't have to watch Basi playing happy family with a random dickhead and as for Basi she got reunited with her brother. It's a win win situation right?
He was disturbed from his thoughts when he bumped into someone.

"Uxolo bhuti, inqondo yami ayikho la" (I'm sorry brother,my mind is not here), he said.
"Yini Inkinga bafo, ubukeka ukhathazekile?" (What's the problem brother, you look disturbed) said his brother, Bhekokwakhe.
"Nah its nothing I can't handle. It's work related stuff." said Mzwakhe.
"Okay then. When did you get here?", asks Bhekokwakhe.
"Ummm... I arrived in the morning", he answered.
"Oh did you see your wife.", questioned his brother.
"Ummm... No I was kinda busy. I'll check up on her later, why" replied Mzwakhe .
"Bro I think you should take her back with you, you know. She's lost a lot of weight and she's not herself anymore.", said his brother.
"Stay out of my business bro. How I discipline my wife has nothing to do with you. So stop shoving your nose in my business", Mzwakhe looked livid as he uttered those words.
"Ucabanga ukuthi ukhuluma nobani kanjalo wena mfana? Usukhuluma asimba nami?" (Who do you think you are talking to like that boy? You now have the guts to say shit to my face?), questioned a livid Bhekokwakhe.
Mzwakhe quickly storms out, he knows how deadly his brother can be.
He gets to his room and pours himself a generous amount of whiskey.
"He thinks he fucken owns me. Mzwakhe this, Mzwakhe that. Just because he is older than me he thinks he can fucken question me about my wife? My own fucken wife? Or was he also fucking her?",he throws his glass to the wall and it shatters. His breathing has hitched up. His face shows venom. He is spitting fire.
He hears someone chanting outside the yard. He sees Dabulamazwe and he starts panicking.
" What is he doing here? Oh no does he know about... ", he asks himself.
The chanting grows louder and louder. He rushes downstairs. When he gets there his eyes lock with Dabulamazwe's. He quickly diverts his attention to his brother who Is also walking downstairs.
" Bab' Dabulamazwe, what are you doing here?" asks his brother.
"Ndodana biza uyihlo nonyoko" (Son call your father and your mother), says Dabulamazwe.
"Kwenzenjani baba" (Whats wrong), asks Bhekokwakhe.
"Ngithi biza uyihlo nonyoko!", says Dabulamazwe with a stern voice.
"Ye.. Yebo baba", says Bhekokwakhe.
He rushes off and calls his mother and father. His other siblings come rushing as well. Dabulamazwe is now sitting on the carpet in the sitting room while Mzwakhe is standing looking at him with fear.
"Dabulamazwe Yini Kwenzenjani?(What's wrong) ", asks the chief.
"Mlandeni, I was in my ndumba and I felt a heavy presence. I thought that it was an evil spirit and I started casting it away. The spirit spoke and said;" That boy has tampered with fate. We told you to warn him and you failed. He tried to kill the chosen one. He will bare the consequences of our wrath". Dabulamazwe uttered those words while starting directly at a spooked out Mzwakhe.
"I don't get it Dabulamazwe, please elaborate" says Mzwakes's mother.
"This boy here" , he says pointing at Mazwi.
"He tried to kill his wife out of anger and jealousy. He was afraid that she might leave him and find her chosen one" says Dabulamazwe.
"What chosen one?", asks Ntombi, Mzwakes's sister.
"Basetsana's fate and destiny was already written by God, the ancestors and the stars. She is married spiritually from birth. She is going to give birth to a ruler of the most powerful kingdom in the world." says Dabulamazwe.
"That is just nonsense Dabulamazwe and you know it. Basetsana is  barren, now how can she give birth to a ruler?", asks Jabulile, Mzwakhe's other sister.
"Her fate has been decided. The one who tries to tamper with fate will face the consequences. I came to warn you that Mzwake will face the consequences of his actions because no evil deed goes unpanished.", Dabulamazwe said  those words and he left the Mkhize premises.
" Nothing will happen to my son. That foolish little girl is the cause of this and I will kill her with my own hands"said Mzwake's mother with anger visible on her face.
"Wenzeni ndodana. Wenzeni kodwa Mzwakhe.", (What did you do son?)asks Mzwake's father in total despair. The chief knew that Dabulamazwe was never wrong. All his warnings were not meant to be taken lightly.
"Ngenzeni? Uthi ngenzeni baba? So I should have let my wife divorce me for another man? I should have let her carry another's man child? I should have watched her being happy with another man?", asked Mzwakhe in a pissed off tone.
"And yes I killed her. Do I regret it? NO. Had I not done it I would have been heart broken. I watched her car roll over the cliff. She is probably dead by now".
Everyone in the room gasped.
"Aww kodwa ngane yami, ukudliseni loyamthakashana? "(Oh my poor child, what did that witch feed you?) , asked Mzwake's mother.
"You killed her Mzwakhe! You fucken killed your own wife!, Questioned an angry Bhekokwakhe.
" Stay out of this! I said you must fucken stay out of  my marital affairs. ", Mzwakhe clapped  back. He angrily waked up to his room and slammed the door.
*****Indumba-A hut in which a traditional healer or shaman carries out cleansing ceremonies and other rituals


Hey bo lovie❤️, I'm back🤸‍♀️😀. I'm finally done with my examinations 😪and I will be posting two times a week or maybe three times🤷‍♀️. *sigh*Coming up with this insert was very difficult😭. I'm kinda doubting myself and my work😥so please be a little patient with me.

Please remember to vote and comment ❤️❤️I love ya'll guys so so much😘

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