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It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life for me, yeah
And I'm feeling good
A song by Nina Simone blast out of the cars radio. We are driving to Mseba, a small village in KZN. I'm leaving everything I've worked so damn hard for. My job, my life and my friends. Mzwakhe made sure that I don't contact any of my friends especially Tumisho. He also made sure that I resign with immediate effect at work. I hate my husband. I hate the man he is becoming. I know that I'm not the chosen one but I don't deserve this kind of treatment. I'm brought out of my thoughts by the bumpy road. The car keeps on bouncing and I know for sure that we are at Msebe. The houses haven't changed. Things are still the same, no development. I wonder what the chief is spending all the money that has to help this village on. The car comes to a halt at Mzwakhes home. He gets out of the car and takes out our luggage. MaKhumalo comes out of the main house wearing a long summer dress that elevates her cheek bones perfectly. She looks stunning. Her skin looks smooth and clear. It must be the pregnancy. A part of me is hurt at the fact that she is carrying Mzwakhes child. But another part of me is happy that atleast I don't have to carry a rapists child. Mzwakhe let's go of our luggage and lifts MaKhumalo up and spins her around. They look so perfect together. Couple goals. I feel tears threatening my eyes. I get out of the car and greet MaKhumalo. She offers me a hug instead. I smile at her. We all go inside the house and greet everyone. They are all happy to see Mzwakhe, they make sly comments about how much weight he's lost in a matter of 2 days because I'm not feeding him. "Thandiwe go put your bags in your bedroom and come back so that you can prepare dinner" my mother in law tells me. Thandiwe is the name I got from my in laws. But why do I have to cook while there other people who can cook?
"MA with all due respect, why do I have to be the one cooking? I mean bakhona oNtokozo, Jabulile and even MaKhumalo."i say
" Hhheeee. Ntokozo and I are just daughters here while you are a daughter in law. You have to do your duties keh sisi. And as for uMaKhumalo, she won't be cooking because she's pregnant. Something you're not capable of doing. Getting pregnant"says Jabulile.
I feel fresh tears burn my cheeks. I quickly head to the room I usually use when I'm here. I was my face and look at my self in the mirror. "you're not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing you breaking down. You're a strong beautiful woman" I say to myself.
I head to the kitchen and start with dinner preparations. After an hour of slaving around in the kitchen I've finally managed to whip up a decent meal. I set the table and call everyone telling them that dinner is ready. They all come downstairs. As we are all sitting down the door busts open and the chief(my father in law) graces us with his presence followed by his first son Bhekokwakhe. They sit down and we all eat. After dinner I'm told that I have to clean up. I do as I'm told and retire to my sleeping chamber. Better days are coming.

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