Chapter 2

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"Ah! I wasn't aware I would be receiving company at this hour! And someone who is free of the pestilence! How... extraordinary!" The figure spoke as if suprised.

A deep male voice, definitely. The voice was slightly obstructed by the mask he's wearing, but it's still very clear.

Silver pupils. A plague doctor. That describes him enough.

The doctor intersects his fingers with each other, and rest them infront of him.

Many questions were begging to be answered.

"Pestilence?" You barely mutter as a question.

"Ah. I question I could go on and on answering. How evil it is." He, for some reason, starts to pase. "The amount of people that succumbed to the disease already. So many uneeded deaths."

He stops in his tracks, and turns to you.

"It's everywhere. Even in the people outside of this very room! And yet, you're untouched by it!" He took a couple steps closer to you. Like, right infront of you. You could touch him if you wanted to. His hand floated over your features. "Completly untouched." He mumbled.

"Woah, okay." You took a step back. "What exactly is this disease? A-and what do you mean I'm not infected?"

The anomaly blinks, seeming to realise the confusion on your face before returning to a passive state. "My apologies. I haven't seen an untouched specimen in a long time. But, to answer your question." He readjusts his posture and took a step back. "The pestilince is a great disease. Only I can sense it, and only I can cure it. My duty is to clense this world from it."

You blink in response. "Okaaaay... What are the symptoms?"

"That is the issue to this! You humans are too oblivious to see what it's doing to you! I have the ability to clense it all from this world!" He suddenly spits out.

A speaker in the room made a noise, indicating it was turning on. "We're calling this done. D-8933, please exit the cell."

The door that was behind you. Before you even had the chance you turn around, the plague doctor ran straight past you out the door.

Several panicing screams echo'd out which sent chills down your spine.

And then, silence.

You look outside the place to see several people on the ground. "What the...?"

No one was around other than the people on the ground.

You walked out towards the hallway. More people on the ground.

Except infront of them, the person that was in the cell seemed to be kneeling down infront of a body.

"What are you doing?" You ask, oblivious to what had just happened.

No response.

You walk closer, only to be mortified.

Blood. The stomach of the person laying on the ground was cut open, revealing their insides.

Even though you were right next to him, he made no action to sense your presence.

He made near perfect moves with his hands every second, like he has a lot of practice with this.

"What the fuck?!" You yelp in suprise, stumbling backwards.

Mumbles came from the plague doctor. Some of them you could and couldn't make out.

"Must.... free...."

Several heavy footsteps were present. They were coming from the same way you came in.

The doctors head snaps in the direction of the noise, before he quickly stood up and starts walking past you, towards the noise.

You stop him before he could continue. "H-hey!"

You grabbed his forearm.

He faces you, and that look in his eye gave it all away.


"Let go of me!" He commanded.

He tries to yank his arm from your hold. "Not until you answer my questions!"


A new voice came from the hall as you snapped your head towards it.

Security. Or guards, as you think they're called.

A gun is pointed staight at you two. "Hold him there D-8933! Let go and your blood will stain these walls!"

You gave a quick nod in terror as you grasp the plague doctor around his stomache.

Two guards step to both sides of you two as one was directly infront.

The doctor stretches his arms out. Desperatly trying to reach the person infront of him.

You questioned what they were doing, until two metal rings were attached to the doctors wrists seperatly. And then his neck.

"Let go!" One of the guards commands you.

You instantly let go and took two steps back.

He writhes in the iron rings around his wrists and neck, but to no avail as the guards completly controls where he went.

The doctor mutteres useless words as he was shoved back into his cell.

The door shut as guards approaches you. And before you knew it, you were restrained and walking back towards the elevator.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Said one of the guards as you were shoved into the elevator.

End of Chapter 2

Unexpected love. (SCP-049 x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now