Chapter Ten

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I woke up on the comfortable insides of my futon. I open my eyes and sat up, looking around the room that had pictures on the walls. I got up and looked at one of the pictures. It was of my best friend, Shirou Emiya and a random man with eyes that look dead and with a weak smile. I go to grab the picture but get stopped by the door opening.

Shirou: Good morning, Y/N.

Y/N: Shirou! Good morning. I wasn't expecting you to be up this ea- actually, what time is it?

Shirou: It's about ten AM.

Y/N: Oh. I'm assuming that everyone has already woken up?

Shirou: Actually, no. You're the only one to have woken up besides me. 

Y/N: I'm gonna assume that you woke up from Saber snoring, right?

Shirou: That and a bad dream. 

There was a silence between us for a few seconds.

Y/N: ...You wanna talk about it?

Shirou: Sure, I don't think I ever told you about it before. 

We walked to the living room and turned the lights on. I sat down while Shirou made some tea for the both of us.

Y/N: Listen, if you really don't wanna say anything about it, it's totally fine. 

Shirou: Nah, I want you to know.

He put a cup of tea in front of me and sat down. I noticed that he sunk his head down right after he sat down. 

Y/N: You okay?

Shirou: Y-yeah, alright so this is what happened. 10 years ago, a great fire occured that-

He groaned and hung his head down. I immediately went to his side and put my hand around his shoulder.

Y/N: If you don't wanna relive bad memories, then just don't tell me them!

Shirou: The fire wiped out everyone in the vicinity, including my parents, but I was the only one that survived. 

Y/N: I-I'm so sorr-

Shirou: If it wasn't for that man, Kiritsugu, I would have died right there and then.

Y/N: Kiritsugu? Was that the guy in the picture on the wall?

Shirou: Yes. He adopted me after he saved me from almost dying. I looked up to him as a hero and thought what he did was extraordinary. 

I continued to listen on him telling his story and comforted him every time he stuttered or his voice got low. He told me about Kiritsugu and how he lived as a child all with eyes with tears ready to fall out. After he was done, he took a sip of his tea and looked at me.

Shirou: You must think I'm a weirdo, don't you.

Y/N: You're not. Trust me, I never knew you were going through that stuff but now I do and I'll try my best to make sure that never happens again.

Shirou: It won't happen. Saber and I are gonna make sure that never happens again. 

I clean the cups that were full of tea for him while he starts to prepare breakfasts for the people still sleeping, until Rin woke up. I nudged Shirou and he looked at me with a confusing look.

Y/N: Dude, I always wanted to hear what she sounded like when she wakes up.

Shirou: You're weird, dude.

Y/N: Says the guy that's in love with her.

Shirou: W-what? I'm not in love with T-Tohsa-

Y/N: Shut up! She's here!

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