Kirino Ranmaru X Reader

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Hii everyone this new one-shot was requested by Kurai101Hikari again but I'm happy to do it so hope you all enjoy! :)

[F/n]'s POV

I was always bullied at school, I never told mom and dad about it then there was one day mom and dad called me, because they said that they need to tell me something

"Dear, me and your dad has to go abroad again, but this time you'll be moving to another town with your Aunt" mom said

"Okay mom, dad, so when do you guys leave?" I asked

"Tomorrow, and we'll bring you your Aunt's before we leave" dad answered my question

"Okay I'll be taking a rest now" I told them since it's getting late, so I headed to my room, packed my things then layed down on my bed and fell asleep fastly because well one I was bullied and two I know that I needed to wake up early

Next Day

Mom and dad dropped me off to my Aunt's place then they left then after my aunt smiled at me

"I'm sorry if I caused you trouble, Auntie..." I apologized

"No, no, it's fine" she said giving me a reassuring smile

"Thank you" I said while siling back at her then she helped me settle inside my room

"Ohh right!, [f/n] your starting school tomorrow and it's named Raimon Jr. High" she remembered

"Ahhh okay" I simply said

"And here's your uniform.." She said while handing it to me

"Thank you" I said as I got the uniform from her

'I guess it would the same here...' I thought

Next Day [lol second time skip already]

I was just walking to the school Raimon and I was a second year student then after a little while my adviser saw me and leaded me to my class then after a few minutes we got there

"Everyone we got a new student today....miss please introduce yourself" sensei said

"My name is [l/n] [f/n]" was all I said

"Okay [l/n]-san, you can take your seat now.." Sensei continued and I just nodded and took the vacant seat in front of a pink haired boy and as soon as I did classes started and I had to listen....

Kirino's POV

The new student named [l/n] [f/n] sat on the only vancant seat in front of me then while sensei was lecturing I stole a glance from [l/n] and she looks like she's really tired and somehow everytime I see her my hearts pounds so fast and I got a carving to make her smile and to comfort her

'Weird, this is the first time I had this feeling.....maybe I should tell this to Shindou, since he's my bestfriend afterall.."

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