Sakuma Jirou (GO)X Reader

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Hallu Minna-chan!! New one-shot! Yey achievement! Sorry then again for not updating! But now this is here, I hope you will all enjoy! ≧﹏≦

[F/n]'s POV

"NO! WAIT! SAKUMA!!" I yelled as Sakuma let go of the bicycle I was currently on, the fact is that I do not know how to ride a bike

"You can do it!" Sakuma said, and as if on cue I lost my balance and I was on the ground while he sweat dropped at me, seeing his reaction a vein popped on my forehead as I instantly got up

"HEY THAT WAS LONGEST BIKE RIDE! YOU SHOULD BE PROUD!" I yelled at him but all he did was... LAUGH?

"Five seconds is long for you!" He laughed then I could feel my cheeks redden in embarrassment

"H-hey, sto-p it!" I tried, but he kept laughing. Even though he looked cute laughing, he had to stop... did I just say he was cute?

Some minutes had past, he still hadn't stop. Finally, his laugh started fading away as he wiped off the tears of joy of his face

"Okay, I'm good now, let's try one more time" he announced, adapting himself back to normal again while I had a small blush on my face because of the thought that he was actually c.u.t.e.

"Neh, I'm beat since a CERTAIN SOMEBODY kept laughing every time I fell..." I told him while turning my sight to him while he chuckled

"But it's still early, how about I challenge you to something else?" He asked

'Well I guess anything is better than trying to ride a bike...' I thought about the bright side then I nodded in response

"Okay, follow me" he said as he jogged away from me while I followed behind him. Minutes had past and I was getting impatient and kept asking him;

"Are we there yet?" I asked boredly as I jogged

"Nope." He kept it short and simple

"How about now?" I asked while he ignored me as I kept asking him the same question over and over again. Soon after we finally went into a stop in front of.............................

"W-What are we doing here?" I asked him with a small stammer

"My challenge is: Whoever gets to the top of the stairs first wins while the loser pays for food" he challenged me. When I heard the word 'free' and 'food' I was determined to win already as I began to stretch my arms and legs

"I'll take that as a 'Yes' then" he smiled at me while he himself started to stretch a little

"Ohh you are soooo going down!" I said determinedly as we we're about to start the race to the top

"Are you sure you don't want to back out now?" He said mockingly with a smirk while me, a vein was showing on my forehead as I replied to him

"Ohh you're on!" I replied

"One, Two, Three, GO!" We said simultaneously as we dashed going to the top, and currently I had the lead by a good distance

'I got this' I thought confidently as I smiled to myself.

3rd Person's POV
Time Skip

One of the two had already reached the top of the stair case triumphly laughing while waiting for the other to reach the top

"Looks like I'll be getting free food!" Said.....
SAKUMA JIROU, the first one who got to the top while [F/n] was panting deeply as she was holding on the steel fence as she tried to reach the top, she was sweating bad. Some time later she finally reached the top as she colasped on the ground looking tired

"Y-You che-cheated..." the female said.

"Nope. I won fair and square, so you're paying for dinner" says Sakuma cheerfully then [F/n] still panted tired

"Oh? Is the [L/n] [F/n] already tired?" The male mocked the girl. [F/n] instantly got on her feet

"Of course not! What are you talking about?! And since I'm a 'good sport' what do you want to eat?" She said while she glared at me

"Maybe that expensive restaurant somewhere here..." Sakuma said looking at the direction of that expensive restaurant

'I'M ALREADY BROKE!!' [F/n] mentally cried at the thought of losing more money while Sakuma secretly thought that she is cute

"Just kidding, let's eat at that new ramen shop because I also parked my car near there" Sakuma explained to [F/n]

"Fine... next time I will surely win and get the glory of having free food! And I'll make you pay! Literally!" She says as the two started walking to the restaurant

Sakuma's POV

'[F/n] was so cute when she was desperetly trying to teach the top earlier' I smiled a t the thought while was walking

"FOUND IT!" [F/n] yelled as she connected her hand with mine as she started to run towards the shop, while I stared at our hands with a blush, good thing that she was dragging me so that she doesn't see me blush

As we reached our destination we both sat down and order our type of ramen and ate. [F/n] ate a lot while I stared at her as she ate then she noticed my staring then looked at me back while she had some noodles on her cheek

"Do I have something on my face?" She asked while I sighed as I wiped off the noodle on her cheek with my hand then her face reddend as my hand made contact with her skin

"Well yes you did" I said

"You could have just told me!" She argued

"Well too bad!" I fought back as we argued on, not until;

"Young love, I see" said the old man who owns the shop as he also smiled while we automatically stopped and looked at the man and it looks like both of our faces went red

"You know what? You two don't have to pay anymore!" Said the old man kindly while [F/n]'s eyes widened then a smile formed across her face

"Really?!" She asked to reassure then he just simply nodded

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU OJI-SAN!" She thank him with a genuine smile of happiness

'She should smile like that more often' I thought, not denying the fact that I was officially in love with [F/n]

"[F/n] let's go home and thanks again Oji-san" I thank him

"Hai! Arigato Oji-san! Bye-bye!" [F/n] said cheerfully as she said goodbye then we walked towards my car and got in, she sat in the passenger's seat while I was going to drive, but before I started to drive [F/n] grabbed my shoulders and..............kissed me....

I was shocked of what was happening right now and I didn't know what to do so I just kissed back then it slowly ended

"Thank you, Jirou..." [F/n] muttered softly but audible as a blash formed on her face as she faced the window

"You're welcome" I told her as I started driving with a small smile across my lips

Minutes came, and we finally reached [F/n]'s house, my gaze fell on her and she was fast asleep, she looked so peacefull

"You're not tired, huh?" I whispered softly as I turned of the engine of my car then got out of the car and went to the other side to the passenger's seat side and carried [F/n] bridal style to her house and got the spare keys she gave me to her house and unlocked the door

I went up to [F/n]'s [F/c] colored room and placed her down on her bed as she shifted a little. Surprisingly she held my arm so I kneeled on the floor and placed a kiss on her forehead then my eyelids slowly went down and I have drifted to sleep in front of my love, [L/n] [F/n].

Thats the end for this one shot!! I hope you all liked it! If you did like it please vote and comment on my story!! Arigato! ╮(╯▽╰)╭

FOR YOU!!! Inazuma Eleven One-Shots~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat