Midorikawa Ryuugi X Reader

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Hi everyone I'm back again with a new one-shot and was requested by ShadowGodZeta and YuukoSakura I'm so sorry for the wait
Me: GOMEN-NASAI!! *bows*
so I hope you all enjoy reading! :)

[F/n]'s POV

Right now I'm with my bestfriend Midorikawa Ryuugi, yep he's my bestfriend and I kinda grown feelings for him but kept it a secret, so right now we are just walking but I suddenly craved for [favorite flavour] ice cream

"What are you thinking, [f/n]" Midorikawa suddenly asked

"Nothing!" I immediately said

'I need to think of somethin good so he can buy me ice cream...' I thought desperately

"Are you sure you were spacing out" he said with a hint of worry

"Like I said it's nothing.." I said while I was still thinking then I thought of a way to get him to buy me ice cream

"Ummm Midorikawa let's have a bet" I started then the green haired boy next to me looked at me

"Yeah sure but what do the loser do?" He asked curiously

"Buy ice cream for the winner!!" I yelled happily

"Ohhh well then you're on!" He said determined

"Whoever laughs first loses" I said

"Fine by me" he replied simply

"Starting...now!" I stated as while we were walking around then I thought of a joke

"Hey Midorikawa, why did the pelican get kicked out of the restaurant?" I started my joke

"I know that already but try your best to crack me if you can..." He said boredly while looking at me

"Because he had a-"

"Hahahahahahahaha!!!! You tripped right before you finished your joke! Your clumsiness is enough as a joke! Hahahahaha!" Midorikawa laughed as soon as I tripped

"Ha! I win and you lose! So buy me [favorite flavour] ice cream!!" I demanded as I stood up pointing at him

"Okay, okay, we both win I got to laugh hard and you get your ice cream" he said as he wiped a tear of joy from his face

"Yatta!!" I yelled happily and victoriously with a smile

Then we both made our way to the nearest ice cream parlour and he bought me ice cream

"Yosh! [Favorite flavour] ice cream!!" I said as I licked my ice cream

Midorikawa's POV

'[F/n] why are you so adorable!! Especially when you smile!" I screamed in my thoughts then I glanced at [f/n] who stopped in her track and I think she already finished her ice cream but she looked sad

"Hey [f/n] why are you sad?" I asked worriedly

'I never wanted her smile to vanish' I thought

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