Fidio Aldena X Reader

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Konichiwa! I'm back with a one-shot requested by Kurosaki_Yukia once again so I hope ya all like or love it! =]

[F/n]'s POV

I was a type of girl who was quiet then one day, it was the end of classes and it was raining so as I stepped out of the main door of the school and opened my umbrella but then I saw Fidio Aldena, he was the same grade I was but different sections and I guess he was waiting for the rain to stop so I closed my umbrella and went to him

"Fidio-san, here take my umbrella, I bet no one wants the 'white meteor' sick in his games" I said with a smile then he faced me

"Ohh okay thank you" he said while smiling back

"No problem" I said

"Wait, how about you?" He suddenly asked


"Then let's just share this umbrella" he insisted

"Ummm okay..." I replied softly

So when we were walking, I was getting wet on my sides but I didn't bother since I didn't want Fidio sick

Fidio's POV

So me and [l/n] was walking, then I noticed that she was getting wet, so I put my arm across her and pulled her closer so she wouldn't get wet then she loiked at me and I just smiled then she immediately looked away..

"T-thank y-you, F-Fidio-san" she said while stammering alot as she looked at me

"It's alright" I said then I realized that our face was so close to each other, then I blushed a bit so I looked away immediately as I realized and I could see that she also did the same then I also realized that our houses had the same route then after a while we near my house

"My house is this way" I said while pointing to a direction

"My house is the other keep the umbrella, Fidio-san..bye" she said then she ran to the direction of her house before I could say anything

Next Day

So I'm at school, looking for [f/n] at her classroom then I saw her just sitting by the window doing something so I decied to give it to her after classes

After Classes

So after classes I went to [f/n]'s classroom and I saw her cleaning

"Hi [f/n]-san" I said then she looked at me

"Hello Fidio-kun" she said with a smile and for some reason I felt my face was getting warmer

"'s the umbrella you lended me" I said while handing her the umbrella

"Okay thanks" she thanled me as she got the umbrella then she got the eraser and was about to start erasing the board

"Let me do that for you.." I said as I got the eraser from her and started erasing

"T-thank y-you..." She said

Then I helped her clean, and now we were going home so I walked with her, while we were walking we talked and talked until we got near my house and said your goodbyes

Two Days Later
[F/n]'s POV

For some reason I am sick with a fever and it was a school day

'Sense please don't give me an essay or something horrible' I cried in my thoughts

Then because of all that I managed to sleep somehow...

Fidio's POV

[F/n] wasn't at school so I decided to visit her since it was dismissal already

So I made my way to her house and her mom answered the door

"Nice timing Fidio, I was about to leave but do you mind to watch over [f/n]?" She asked pleasingly

"I don't mind, where is she?" I asked

"She's just in her room" she said

"Okay thank you Ms. [l/n]" I thanked her then she smiled at me and went to her car and left then I made my way to [f/n]'s room and I saw her asleep peacefully and I actually gained feelings for her so while she was asleep I kissed her forehead and luckily she didn't wake up

Weeks Later [Saturday]
[F/n]'s POV

I heard from the news that Fidio was going away to I forgot the name, but he's going there because the nationals start there, so I decided to confess my feelings for him before he leaves, even though I was a quiet girl, I got to smile alot because of him, so right now I'm looking for Fidio so while I was walking looking left and right, I bumped into someone from infornt of me and before I fell down the person caught me

'Cool! Nice reflexes, the only person I now this fast is Fid-' I cutt off my thought to look who it was and it was the one and only Fidio Aldena and to a real real real shocker he suddenly kissed me and I also kissed him back a little cuz I was shy..

"Ummm [f/n], I really liked you since the day you for the first time smiled at me, and I really don't want to leave you" he confessed

Then I didn't know what to say so I just kissed him since I loved him too, so he kissed back so his arms made it's way around my waist and my arms around his neck then after moments we broke for air then I hugged him and he hugged me back

"I-I lo-love y-you, F-Fidio" I said stammering a lot because of my nervousness while looking at him

"I love you too, [f/n], so do you mind if you come with me to the nationals?" He asked while he held up my chin to face him

"Of course I want to go with you" I said happily

Then he leaned in and so did I and we shared a kiss once again.

that's it for this one-shot I hope you all enjoyed it and if ya did please vote and comment on my work thank you!! ⚽

FOR YOU!!! Inazuma Eleven One-Shots~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz