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SEPTEMBER 30th, 1998


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We were in a hospital surrounded by zombies on all sides. Soon they would get in. Jill, Alice and Me were injured. My electricity wasn't healing my wounded leg. Guessing the exposure from the t-virus has had an effect on me. "I'm going to search the hospital. If Umbrella is the reason why everything has gone to shit then the cure will be here"
"Be mindful Carlos. We don't know what lurks in the other wings"
"I know but I can't sit here while Jill is in constant pain"
"She's strong" Alice breathed. Tyrell came in. "Tyrell, you found something"
"A lead. Something the captain wanted to give to us. Nathaniel Bard. Umbrella scientist. Says he wanted out away from Umbrella"
"That guy did something Umbrella didn't like"
Hunt said. "What doesn't Umbrella like" Kaplan made a good point. "Us" I breathed.
Tyrell was typing on his computer and I could tell he couldn't get through a file that was blocked. I stretched my hand and cleared the firewall. "How did you do that?"
"My body is made of electricity and transformium. Liquid Metallic. I can hack through doors. Computers. Even Umbrella. What Umbrella doesn't know is that they've been using Raccoon for a test ground for their experiments but I've been gathering all the data and proof on this city to expose them" I told him.

Tyrell played a small video.
'My name is Dr. Nathaniel Bard. Date September 29th, 1998. I don't know how much time I have but I can at least spare myself and the ones that tried to tell the truth. All of Raccoon's suffering lead from the release of the t-virus. It was meant to save lives, cure diseases we had no control of. Now I and Dr. Ashford worked on the t-virus to try and combat the cannibal effects after death. So far nothing was working until one day we created the Anti-virus. It's true purpose was meant to help his daughter with her condition. Angela Ashford. When the outbreak began we had little time to administer the anti-virus to the city and when others tried to do that. Those sons of bitches on board Umbrella HQ ordered me to destroy it! To let this city suffer because of their actions! If anyone hears this. Beneath this Hospital is a facility that contains the cure for all of it. By the time anyone gets this message it may as well be too late. In fact I'm already dead. A patient I was treating had bitten me and I don't know how long I have. I have a vial here in my lab 2 floors down from the reception desk. Whoever you are... you must save Raccoon and destroy Umbrella! To hell with those motherfuckers!"
The doctor swiped items from his desk and looked afraid and was shot dead. Then in front of the camera was Nikolai.
Chuckling on camera he shot the camera.
"Son of bitch knew all along and we trusted him anyway!"
Carlos was pissed and punched the wall.
I saw the dent he left behind and could understand his anger.
"Angie...I was hoping that she'd not be in Raccoon"
Alice remembered someone from her past. Someone she couldn't save. A girl. Not her daughter but at that point even before Siberia she had motherly qualities.
Then Alice sighed but turns out she was crying.
"Hey...hey. Look at me, I'm here. She won't die this time. It's okay"
John held Alice as she cried silently in his arms.
John is right. This is what fueled me to destroy Umbrella.
No one else dies tonight.
I got up and stood beside him. "Let's go catch a snake" I told him. Carlos nodded and walked back towards Jill. She lay wincing and twisting. "Fight it Jill" he told her. "No matter what don't let that virus beat you"
He told her. "Bell, don't put too much stress on your wounds"
Hunt told me.
"I won't, just keep Jill stationary. We will find the vial"
I told them. "Bell" John tossed me his Spas-12. I looked at him. "Incendiary Shells, put to good use Da?"
I nodded.
"Of course comrade" I smiled. Me and Carlos made our way towards the inner part of the hospital.
"Tyrell. Where's the nearest Elevator?"
"You'll have to go through the Waiting Lounge and through another Reception Desk. The doors will be locked from there, I'll keep a close eye on the monitors from here"

RESIDENT EVIL 3: ESCAPE FROM RACCOON CITY Where stories live. Discover now