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thelegendwriter69 and CelestialShadowWolf , the end is near for Raccoon City but the multiverse isn't done yet. Time Travel will tell.
Alyssa Hunt and Gwen shall return in the New Trilogy Project Silver as Blood Moon nears its end.
Power is life.
Our business is Life itself.


While the Grave Digger was fighting the mutated snake. We all sought cover and needed to get around the cemetery out of Raccoon.
"Those things are still not done killing each other"
"We're sitting ducks out here! What do we do?!"
Jill asked. Good question. "Time to get involved" I said reloading my guns. "I just needed one of them to win any takers?"
I asked.
"Yeah let the grave digger win. We blow him up and we leave" Tyrell suggested. "Anybody got any explosives"
"How's this?"
Jill held up her grenade launcher.
"That'll do. So we focused our fire on the snake and blow up gravie" Hunt said. "That's the plan" Alice said nodding.
I smiled. "Alright let's do it" Bell said nodding.
We all scattered keep both the snake and Gravie in the middle.
The snake started wrap around the grave digger in a attempt to kill gravie.
"Shoot at the snake!" I yelled. Then I aimed my 1911s pulling trigger multiple times as everyone else joined in.
Bullets penetrated the snake making it release the grave digger. "Bell! Stun the fucker!"
Bells electricity came into action and held the snake in place. "Come on you slimy bastard! We're the ones helping you this time!"
The Grave digger howled charging at the snake and dragged it down into the earth.

Everyone still had their guns pointed minus Angie and Dr. Ashford. "I think we can call it a day and move on"
"Fuck yeah"
Tyrell said moving towards the exit of the cemetery. The Zombies started to crawl out of their graves. I slammed the gates closed as three zombies growled and reached for me.
I sighed shaking my head.
I Can't believe we walked through a cemetery again.
"Where to now?"
Jill asked.
"From here we could take the highway"
"Umbrella has all of the roads blocked. The factory here is isolated"
"You seriously want to go through a factory Jp?"
"It's isolated from the city and it's our last chance. Plus you might actually trust me when all of this is over"
I told Hunt.
"Ohh I trust you but a factory on the outskirts of Raccoon. Sounds all to familiar"
"Ohh really what's your preference? Street infested blood thirsty monsters or abandoned factory"
"Highly doubt that factory is abandoned"
Bell smiled. "Then we'll clear it. Lets go"
"Not the best plan but if it gets us out of RC. I'm cool with that"
"Let's go on a little faith"
Carlos said trying to uplift everyone's spirit.
Then we all moved on.


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There it was. The factory. We needed to find a way inside and signal the pilot. We only had an hour and twenty-three minutes left. "Bell. Turn on anything that's easy access. Everyone circle around Angela and Dr. Ashford. They are top priority to tell the world what really went down in Raccoon City. Keep an eye for anything. Those stacks weren't smoking hours ago. So we're not the only ones that's here" I told everyone.

RESIDENT EVIL 3: ESCAPE FROM RACCOON CITY Where stories live. Discover now