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2:45 AM

Running back to the Front entrance, I heard gunfire right outside.
I bursted through the door and saw Alyssa, Alice, LJ, Tyrell and a little girl.
Ashford exclaimed.
So that was her. She ran to her father and embraced him. "I thought I'd never see you again"
"Ohh honey never never"
Well my job was done there now to get out of here.
We had only three minutes. "Hate to break up the reunion but we need to leave! Nikolai set C4 explosives all over the place!"
"Hell no! Lets get the fuck out of here!" LJ exclaimed. Alice limped on my shoulder and Alyssas and we exited out of the main lobby.
"JP! We're leaving!"
"What? Why?"
"Nikolai finna set that bitch off!"
"Get back!"
Dee said.
Then my senses were ringing in my head.
Jp could sense it too. Along with Alice.
Times up!


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Glass from the windows were shattering and the building was collapsing.

"Come on" Carlos urged us. We all stayed in a group running away from the hospital.

"I think we're in the clear" Carlos said checking the area. Jill was waking up. "Jesus you all look like hell"
I breathed. "Jill got infected by the nemesis" Bell said.
"Wait what?"
She never got infected before. "It's okay...I gave her an injection we found at the hospital"
Carlos said speaking up. "Well Jill, seems like you survived that encounter maybe you'll be less bitchy now" I said sarcastically. Everyone grinned at me. "I wasn't the only person thinking it"
I said grinning back. "Fuck you Jp...but it's nice to see you too"
"Whatever" I shook my head. "Myka wanted me to give you this Bell"
I tossed him the Vril Key and his saber.
"Well bad news for you Jp. I don't have the Anti-virus"
"Yes you do" I showed him a vial. "How did you-" Alice asked.
"We paid Birkin a visit and got this in return" Alyssa said smiling.
"It's only one vial. I need 3 to make it work" Bell said shaking his head.
"Well unless you want to go back there and search the rubble for it be my guess we're running out of time"
"We have 3 hours before they air strike the entire City. So far we're not in a cycle because everything in this world is different than the one we used to live in"
"What do you mean?"
"Jill getting infected. Rain and Kaplan being here. They're supposed to be-"
"Dead. They both died in the hive. Rain was bitten multiple times and succumbed to the infection and you Kaplan. Killed by a licker"
Both Rain and Kaplan looked lost.
"Thats impossible. I was never at the mansion. I was with my team heading here for...wait that can't be right. Oh my god I was dead"
"Yeah well if I remember correctly I was returning to Raccoon City with a horde of zombies behind me and my Alice. Made it to the hive. Lost a few friends. Gave Wesker the slip. Got the cure only to realize that...wait a minute. Holy shit. I was gonna die anyway"
"Wait what is all of this?"
"Dr. Ashford. Most of everyone comes from another Universe that has opened gateways to other Universes. The Multiverse is real. I'm living proof and so is my brother"
"Umbrella never sought anything towards Time travel"
"I fought world war 2 with the greatest friends. My brothers. John, Dee, Myka, and Sierra Lee Williams. That vial is the last of her existence. She bonded with the anti-virus like Alice did the T-virus. Umbrella wasn't the ones that created it they never had it to begin with. Group 935 did"
"Ashford. You were killed by Director Cain that ordered the strike on this City. Right in front of Angie"
Hunt told us what happened in her time. Similar to ours.
"Wait if you all died. What happened to me?"
LJ asked. "You were bitten long after Raccoon City suffered from the t-virus outbreak. You died right before Carlos died"
Carlos was confused too. "I'm just a hired gun-man. Most of my friends died coming here"
"You died saving Claire Redfield and the others from the super infected in Vegas"
Alice answered. "I couldn't save you...Like I couldn't save Angela. Im never going to forgive myself for that. I failed all of you"
"It wasn't your fault Alice. You were bitten by zombie. While fighting to protect the convoy of Survivors from Umbrellas super Infected"
John added.
"Super?" Alyssa asked. "Zombies that run" Bell answered.
"Hehe Umbrellas got everything now" Tyrell wasn't taking this seriously. Though I couldn't blame him.
"Then Luther. Barry. Leon. Ada then you Jill. You were killed by Wesker" Jp finished. "Wesker took a lot from me than you know Jill"
I told her.
"I'll be damned. So none of us survived. So you'll send them back then what. They die?"
Ashford asked.
"No because I'm going to change that like I did for me. Jp, John, Myka, Dee, Alice and many others. I'm going to figure out a way to save you all before you go back to your time and maybe you all won't die fighting Umbrella"
"Maybe?!" LJ exclaimed.
"You won't die because Bell did it before. I trust him and all of you should too" Dee stuck up for him.
"So what's your plan?"
Rain asked.
"We are leaving Raccoon before that timer runs out" I told them all. Then we all kept moving.

"Wait why on earth are we going through a cemetery?""Like I haven't seen this before" Alice joked

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"Wait why on earth are we going through a cemetery?"
"Like I haven't seen this before" Alice joked.
"We need to head through here to get to the factory"
"Why the factory?" I asked. "It's the only s we place on the outskirts. A place where we might have a chance"
"Actually. There is a way out. Barry. He said on the tape if Raccoon was in any trouble he would get a chopper to rescue anyone in the city. At this point the world knows of the outbreak but no one knows what's really going on. We just need to signal when we get to the factory"
I told everyone.
"Then that's the way out"
Carlos agreed.
We began walking. I didn't like this idea.
Then I sensed something.
It was like a warning.
"Bell?" I looked at him. "I know" he said feeling it too.
"Everyone circle around Angie and Ashford"
I told everyone.
Then ground started to shake. "What the hell is that?!" I exclaimed. "Kaplan is there anything about Seismic activity in Raccoon?"
Hunt asked
"No there isn't. Even if the hive is down below the city I doubt that's what's causing this"
He said looking at his hologram of the city.
"Whatever it is...it's big" Alice said sensing it. A loud shriek could be heard. "Big huh?" Bell grinned.
"I guess that Giant alligator wasn't enough!" I said not having a weapon.
"That's what you get by taking on the horde by yourself" Dee said giving me two clips.
"Felt manly at the time" I muttered under my breath. I inserted the magazine into my 1911 and aimed around. The ground started to crumble around us and the abomination appeared.

 The ground started to crumble around us and the abomination appeared

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"A giant worm!" John exclaimed. "Man Umbrella you are losing your touch"
"Shoot the mouth!" Carlos said.
I aimed but my senses indicated that it wasn't interested in us. "Wait!" I said turning around.
Then I seen what it was coming for.
That fucking snake I fought at the mansion!

 That fucking snake I fought at the mansion!

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The snake hissed and let out a shriek.
"This doesn't include us" I said.
"Run!" Jill said.
The Grave Digger shrieked and the snake hissed loudly.
Then the Grave digger and the snake charged at each other.
Too bad I couldn't watch the fight of the century.

RESIDENT EVIL 3: ESCAPE FROM RACCOON CITY Where stories live. Discover now