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Flashback 10 years before The Raccoon City Incident Jps point of view

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Flashback 10 years before The Raccoon City Incident
Jps point of view

Me and Alyssa walked into our apartment and I quickly shut the door. I locked it and turned to her. She was looking around the room.
"It may not be much but-"
"It's perfect"
She said smiling. Then she rushed me wrapping her arms around me. I dropped our bags of clothes and held her.
"It's better than nothing"
"I'm glad you like it"
I told her putting my head on hers. "No more orphanage. No more hiding"
"We still have my father"
"We'll find a way"
I told her. She leaned forward pressing her lips to mine.
"Alyssa. Whatever happens from now. I am never leaving you. Whatever we go through. We go together"
She scoffed.
"I know that dummy and I'll still be with you till end"
"I know'
We both shared a kiss and she urged me to the bed. I slowly held her kissing her neck and she moan slightly.
She was kissing me furiously.
Then we were interrupted by a knock on the door.
I quickly pulled her up and pointed to the restroom. She nodded quickly and quietly went in leaving the door cracked. I adjusted our bags and hid them behind the curtains.
The knocking continued. "Just a minute!"
I said adjusting myself.
I unlocked the door and opened the door.
It was him!
The man in the shades.
"Evening" he said smiling lightly. "You got anything better to do than track me down"
"Ohh I thought you were accompanied by a woman? Well I came here to discuss a job opportunity"
"What job can I possibly take from you?! I don't know you!"
"Forgive my manners. Captain Albert Wesker of The special tactics and rescue squad. The day we met I was impressed by the way you handled yourself in the situation and wanted to put you on the job. Pay is shitty but it will help with rent"
That was very good to hear but from him.
"Alright Albert-"
"Please, haha call me Captain. I'll let you think about it. Just thought you would need it"
He nodded and began to turn away.
Alyssa tapped my shoulder and urged me to go.
"Are you crazy?!" I whispered yelled.
She grinned and walked out. "Wesker"
She called out.
He turned slightly.
I was shocked that she was doing this.
"Can you keep a secret?"
She asked. "Just Captain Milady and for you two I will"
He smiled.
"Do you think you can find a job for me as well. It takes two to build don't you think?"
She asked.
"Quite right. I'll look into anything and let you if anything comes up"
"And Jp will take the job"
"Wait what-"
"No excuses" she told me giving me those eyes.
I couldn't argue with her on that one.
I nodded to Wesker and he smiled.
"When can I start?"
"Two days from now or later next week if you want"
I looked at Alyssa who nodded to me.
"Two days it is"
I said nodding.
"Then it's settled. I look forward to training you. And your secret is safe with me"
He said turning away.
"I can't believe you did that"
"We stick together through the end"
I smiled down at her and nodded.
She pulled me inside and shut the door locking it.
Then she kissed me hard letting out a small moan.
This felt right. I was joining the RPD STARS.
She kissed me hard and moaned. "Wait We never went this far"
"I want you right now. I hated waiting every fucking day in the orphanage. So let's finish where we left off"
She took off her shirt and pulled me to the bed. Then we furiously made love.

RESIDENT EVIL 3: ESCAPE FROM RACCOON CITY Where stories live. Discover now