Chapter 4

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~Weiss POV~

Ruby and I watched as Yang and Blake exited the room together, leaving them alone. After studying for 10 minutes, I was really bored and was pretty sure I could get an A on the test. So I snapped shut my binder and went to laying down, Ruby stood and climbed to her bunk. Silence now filled the empty void, then she heard Ruby sigh," What's wrong Ruby?" Ruby sighed again, "I was just thinking about my mom again."

I knew I better pipe down again, I knew Ruby's mother went out for a mission and didn't come back. It was always a touchy subject about parents in team RWBY because no one really had one, as matter of fact, this was the closest to a family I have ever had.

The bunk above her was swaying slightly back and forth, so curiously I stood to see what little Ruby was doing. Ruby was sitting reaching for an assortment of colored pens and pencils. I watched and waited for her to notice me but she was so focused, and when she looked up I knew she was done. "Hey", Ruby spoke looking down at her artwork, "Want to see it."

Nodding, I took it and gasped. I never had seen such talent with freehand. Staring at the drawing she noticed of what it was. A woman with a cape in hand, giving the cape to a little girl. The woman had short hair but it covered her face, and her back was lighter and particles were appearing out of there. Ruby must've seen the confusion on my face, "You see this was the last time I can remember seeing her, my mother. So that little girl is me and my mother is handing me her old cape", she pointed to the cape wrapped around her shoulders, "It's color scene on her side is darker to show something terrible is happening in the near future, and the particles coming out of her back where it's fading shows how she is disappearing."

I slowly hand back the journal, but I ask first, "Can I flip through here?" I saw her face grow pale, but it was too late. I flipped through it and something caught my eye. Examining the picture I saw Ruby looking fondly into a girls eyes, their foreheads touching. I realized that they were dancing, but who was the mystery girl. Ruby managed to snag the book away before I could see anything else.

Before I could ask Ruby pulled out her scroll and said, "It's time to head to breakfast." Running out of the room with her bag and books. I will never understand that dunce.

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