Chapter 1: My Pretty Boy🤭

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Author POV:
It was 8:30 in the morning when Ryan woke up to the sun hitting his face. He checked the time soon after he realized what day it was. He had told the stream the day before that he would stream and pull an all nighters with them and someone from the group.( i know that is very random but idk what else to put😭) He announced it on instagram and he was really excited and also tired knowing he will be sleeping for a whole day after this. He soon got out of bed and started to get ready for the 9am meeting they had today and he was very happy he didn't have to wake anybody up since he had a bedroom all to himself..surprisingly...cuz everyone knows Oliver usually gets the bedroom by himself, so once Manger Ty announced to Ryan that he was gonna have a room by himself he felt very pleased. He finished getting ready and was to the meeting right on time.

Ryan POV:
As I headed downstairs i saw Oliver and Man Ty along with Seb who was very very surprisingly early (he is always late) and yet he was still curled away in his blanket far into his nap.

Oliver: Hey Ryan!

I said "hi" back with a bright smile and i went to go and take my seat. Which had to be next to Sebastian Moy🤦🏽‍♀️. Anyway I took my seat as we waited for everyone to arrive. But I soon got bored and went on my phone as I was messing with Seb's hair. His hir is actually very soft ngl.

Author POV: And after what seemed like an eternity they all came down stairs and they finally started the meeting. Ryan was still playing with Seb's hair because he wanted to and Seb didn't wake up for the meeting. I mean at least we was there.🤷‍♀️

Manager Ty: Alright guys listen up now! DARREN AND JUSTIN stop fighting!! Anyway due to some current issues with some roommates. (He said as he looked straight at Justin and Darren who were indeed still picking at each other.) We will be doing a change of roommates and i will pick them out from the cup so it doesn't seem unfair and you don't say I'm cheating or setting you up.

___________After the meeting _________
(Im too lazy to do the whole meeting 🤦🏽‍♀️)

Sebastian POV: You know im actually kinda proud of my roommate. I mean Ryan, pff, c'mon he can't be that bad right? I mean Justin said he was a good roommate to him. But the again they've been friends since before NSB🤔. Idk i guess we'll find out.I sighed out loud as i was unpacking my clothes into my new closet.

Sebastian: So much little space for my clothes. Ughh!

I let out another loud sigh not knowing what to do because Ryan had taken up all the space from the closet and there was barely any space for my clothes.

Ryan: Wtf is you sighing for??

I heard Ryan say behind me and as I turned around I started to feel nervous. Idk why but i just did and the fact that I was nervous made me more nervous.

Sebastian: Oh..! OH! Umm...nothing. Just tired from all this unpacking.

I don't want him yelling at me for complaining about not having room for my clothes. Ughh what am I going to do with all of my clothes?

Ryan: bro just lay down you don't have to unpack everything now, Stupid

Sebastian: No yeah i know i just want to do everything now so i dont have to do it tomorrow

Ryan: oh, well Darren said the foods ready in five

Sebastian: Alr I'll be there in a bit

Author POV: And after Sebastian had already finished unpacking and found room to put his clothes in he headed downstairs to eat. As always he took his seat next to Ryan and he started eating. They were all talking and goofing around and then they all went to their shared bedrooms and started doing whatever.

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