Chapter 4: The Return

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Two Days Later
Author POV: Seb woke up with a slight headache from yesterday's drinking. He checked the time it was 9:37am and his mind immediately went to the boys "were they up yet?" He thought as he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Once he got out the shower he quickly got ready, packed his clothes and left the motel. He drove to the beach and he decided to stay there before he headed back to the house.

On the other hand the boys were extremely worried about Sebastian. Oli had barely gotten any sleep, hasn't ate, and was just in a very depressed state however Regie was there for him all throughout. As was Ryan he would not leave his room and and would refuse to eat and even drink anything he would barely drink water. They were all up constantly trying to figure out where the youngest member went and told the stars that they would not be filming for a while due to some personal issues. They would look day and night and yet still couldn't find him. He was missing. And Ryan blamed himself. He was so angry at himself he would just stay up crying all day and night. He would not do anything because he didn't allow himself to. He thought this was all his fault from yelling at him the way he did. "If only i didnt yell at him like that" he told himself repeatedly. He couldn't and wouldn't ever hurt his precious Seb, but he did and it was bad..

______________Time Skip____________

Sebastian had gotten home. Everyone was in the living room trying to figure out where he was. When the door knob started turning and they heard the door opening. They saw Seb and ran up to Seb as they saw him walk in. Except for Oli and Regie they were up cuddling, Regie trying to make Oli feel better and ofc Ryan locked in his bedroom.

Seb: hey guys! Hru?

Justin: Asshole! You leave us for almost 4 days, mysteriously come back and ask us how we are doing? Where were YOU?

Seb: sorry i needed to clear my mind and i just couldn't i was

Darren: u could have told us instead of just running off we could have helped you bro! I get that Ryan did you dirty bro but please just dont run off like that ever again, please...

Kane: yeah bro we were worried. Ur brother has been in his room refusing to do anything, good thing Regie is sorta helping him feel better. You know he thinks this is his fault right?

Seb looked up with the most concerned face.

Darren: And Ryan too bro, he is worse than Oli dude. You should go to them instead of being with us we know you good now.

Justin: yeah bro go check up on them. I dont want to see them like that.

Seb POV:
They all gave me one last hug before i headed upstairs to check up on my brother and on Ryan. I decided to go to Olis room first so i could prepare myself before heading to Ryan's room. I softly knocked on my brothers shared room with Regie. I didnt hear anything until Regie opened the door. He stood there shocked and looked kind of mad at the same time.

Seb: hi.

Regie: whisper he's sleeping. Where tf have you been we were so worried for you. Oli is literally devastated hes been crying.

Seb: ik im sorry...its just that...that i wasnt feeling myself lately....i feel tired.....i feel...gone.

I said twiddling my fingers looking at the ground then looking up at Reg with a sad face tears forming in my eyes.

Regie: its alr bro just tell us next time . We'll make you feel better cuh.

He gave me a hug and then put his hand on my shoulder as he gently pushed me in the room and left to give me and Oli some space.
I got closer to the bed and sat next to Oli who was sleeping.

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