Chapter 6: Olegie: Diary

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Regie POV:
I wake up to the feeling of Oli's hand around my waist. There is no better way to wake up. We still have a day off due to the whole Seb running away thing, and we told the stars we would be away for a while still. I got up it was 4am and i decided i wanted to go out to the mountains to see the city. So i got ready and drove there. I climbed up a mountain that was high enough to see the city. I could feel the cold breeze hit against my skin. It felt so nice. Tho, I kept thinking about last night. I woke up at around 2am and i heard Oli on his desk. This was typical for Oli but not this time, no, this time he was writing something down on a notebook. I was still drowsy and couldn't make out what notebook it was but i saw him put it away in a specific place. He came back to bed and cuddled up to me. I was pretending to sleep however i did soon fall asleep again. I kept wondering what he was writing about because its not a regular thing to see Oli write something in a notebook at 2am. You would usually expect him to be writing songs guess not this time. I wanted to know so badly what was in that notebook. So before anyone in the house was awake i headed back and went to me and Oli's room. I looked around in that specific place i saw Oli put the notebook and soon found it. I then took it and went downstairs and went to my car. I thought it would be a better idea to drive somewhere secluded so no one would find me nor bother me. The notebook was a warm tone of brown and it had a little band on the side to keep it closed. I opened it up. It felt wrong but my curiosity took the best of me. There were so many pages filled with writing. Olis writing. There was a page that was bookmarked by a little string attached to the notebook. Im guessing this was what he was writing last time. I flipped to that page and started to read. He was writing about his feelings. He was writing about someone....
He was writing about me...

"There is nothing in the world better than love. The feeling is almost breathtaking. Once it catches you there is not turning back. The feeling can almost become surreal. It takes over you like a disease. Except for this. There is no escape. No cure. However, it can feel even more surreal when you are with the person you most desire. The person that fills you with joy and laughter. The person that no matter the situation can still make you smile. Make you feel special. Except for most people unfortunately this feeling, this desire, can not be fulfilled. And it can make you feel so worthless. Make you feel like you are not the person that they truly want. That there is people better than you out there. In which that crushes you. You stay up wondering when it will finally be you. When will it finally be the day they realize that you are the person they have been on the search for. The moment they realize they love you the way you love them. And when that day finally comes, sometimes its just too late. And all the wishes and dreams will be thrown out. Because none of that will make them fall for you. But still. Regie. I will wait. For you. I will sit here like the dumbass i am and wait for that day. The day that i have to realize...will never come. But I'll wait. Because...I love you and that is enough to make me wait.
I love you...Regie."

I sat there. This time speechless more than i have ever been. Tears started falling from my eyes. Not being able to catch them i let them fall. I never realized how he felt for me. If only i was able to man up and tell him that i felt the same. "Is it too late" i thought quickly standing up still holding the notebook. I quickly ran to my car and drove back to the house it was now 7:46am and i assumed that no one would be awake. As i got to the house i ran in and quickly walked upstairs not wanting to wake anyone. I opened our room to find no Oli there. But since i didnt see him anywhere near i went to his hiding spot and tried putting the notebook back exactly how i found it not wanting to draw any suspicion. However right when i was about to open the drawer someone walked out of the bathroom. I looked back with the notebook in my hand. I dropped it as soon as i saw who it was...

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