Sorry I Can't go to School Today I Fractured my Motivation

22 4 10

World stop!

Yeah I'm back pitches! Watch out! I hope you enjoy this chapter which was created for your viewing pleasure. Please refrain from killing my characters if you are feeling murderous. That is all.

Carry on...


Friday night was a time I was ready to put behind me.

Harry picked me up. Like literally picked me. I was crying so hard and I didn't feel like walking.

And trust me when I say I don't have a pretty face when I cry.

Harry just sat on the hood of his car patting my back and soothing me until I calmed down. He whispered reassurances in my ear and rocked me back and forth.

After I finished crying and the sobs had subsided, he cuddled me for a few minutes and asked me if I was okay. I told him that okay would be our always. And it was then that he knew I was fine. Next thing I know he lifts me up again and settles me into the passenger seat before going around to the drivers. we drove to Katherine's house in relative silence. Harry's muttering and the radio made up the soundtrack of that drive. Before I walked up to Katherine's front door all he said was....

"If you need me I'll be there. Because everyone deserves a person who has there back."

"I have Katherine and Allie." I said still sniffling a bit.

"Well then everyone needs someone looking out for them who's good looking and male." He smiled at me then. Harry waited for me to get inside before driving off.

It was then I knew that he was one of the sweetest men I would ever meet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dread filled me as I realized I would have to face Zach and Will today. Well, there was only anger for Will. But Zach? He was a person I dreaded. The girls were ready to kick his ass though...

Flash Back:

"He did what?!" Allie exclaimed. "All that hard work for a douche bag who didn't deserve it?!"

I lifted up my face from the tear filled pillow I was crying in. Shooting Allie a sad smile I exchanged my tear sponge for a fresh one. It was getting a bit too soggy. Allie snatched it away from me.

"Oh no you don't. No more tears for that jerk!" Allie's face grew into an evil grin. Uh oh. "Revenge is going to be sweet!" My own evil smile started to grow. I couldn't help it, that smile was contagious. Katherine started to look worried. As she should, Allie alone was scary. But Allie and I together? That was some dangerous shit. Forget sass; we were kick ass.

The evil smirk I had grown stayed in place until I realized something. Getting revenge on Zach didn't matter. I mean, Karma's a bigger bitch than I am. And that's truly saying something. I should just sit back and let her work her magic.

There was also the fact about how it wasn't even Zach's fault. Will is the one who put him up to it. And Karma would get him too. But those facts aren't even what made me back down.

I didn't want to be a basic bitch who just got revenge for the hell of it. Cause I knew that would just make me feel worse. To really show them I had to do what they weren't expecting.

Be mature.

End of Flash Back

"Why again, just to refresh my memory, are we not opening a can of whoop ass?" Allie whined as we stepped into the halls of school.

"Because," I responded as we headed to our lockers. "We are better than some low life basic bitches. We don't spend our weekends planning murders." My friends looked at me quizzically.

"But we do...." Katherine trailed off looking confused. I sighed then.

"They don't need to know that!" I looked around to make sure nobody had heard us. "The element of surprise makes revenge all the more sweeter. Remember that sweetheart."

We continued to walk calmly and in silence for the rest of the way to our lockers. Ours were next to each other because the powers that be decided we were too amazing to be separated. After we took out the books necessary for first period we headed to class. Being late was the ultimate crime at this high school. Suddenly I was pulled from our group towards the bank of lockers.

"What the f-." I stopped myself and looked into my new worst enemies eyes. "Will?!"

"Hello Faith. How was your date Friday night?" Will questioned with fake innocence. This locker side chat was already making me mad.

"Horrible thanks to your schemes." I said now pissed off. And it was only seven thirty a.m. *sigh* People practically beg to be murdered these days. Unless your a Herondale, don't bother me.

"This could have all have been avoided if you had just given me your number, or something, anything!" Will said exasperated.

"Oh, you want my number?" I said looking through my lashes. Flirting came naturally to me and I was using that to my advantage.

"Yes!" Will exclaimed like I had finally picked up the plot.

"Mkay. It's... 1-800-Bye-Felicia!" I said sassily. I slammed his locker in his face and strutted off. You really shouldn't test my limits. Because they are there and you won't like what's past them. Also, who didn't inform him that it was just a wee bit past seven in the morning?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Will needs to DIE----------------------------------------------------JK I only do torture--------------------------------

Harry's P.O.V

I saw Faith talking to that boy. I wonder if that was Will, the one who started this mess. Because if it was we needed to have a little talk. I had only known Faith for a week but I was already protective of her. So were the other lads. She was nice and didn't deserve this.

"Is that the prick who made Faith cry?" Niall asked from behind me.

"Yeah, I think so." I replied.

"Then we should go talk to him, yeah?" Niall and I walked over there to 'talk'. Okay, more along the lines of threaten. Niall and I approached him putting on intimidating faces.

"Are you Will?" I asked the piece of scum.

"Yeah. Who wants to know, your girlfriend?" He replied in an arrogant manner.

"Yeah she does, so she can tell me who's arse to beat." I said.

Will's cocky personality suddenly disappeared. His whole demeanor turned into one of caution.

"What did I ever do to her?"

"You fucked with her feelings so now I'm going to fuck with you!" I growled out. I heard a 'Yeah!' from Niall.

"Are you talking about Faith?" Will asked.

"Yessss." I drew it out so his small mind could process the word.

"She went out with Zach and she already has a boyfriend?" Will said confused." Wow, she really is a slut." He said under his breath.

"You really shouldn't have said that."

After that I lost it and punched him in the face.

A/N: Oh no! Harold got into a fight! I just hope Niall was holding his earrings *Sigh*. The pic to the side is very accurate, yeah? Thank you again for joining me on this crazy adventure. I really hope you enjoyed it. If you did, remember to.............




All the love x.

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