So Katherine's Not A Stalker?

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Yeah, chapter SEVEN is finally here! On break so more updates. This is for.......... Kit Kat for her birthday. Even though I'm two days late lol.

Chapter Seven: So Katherine's Not A Stalker?

As any Directioner would be I was thrilled school finally involved One Direction. But I still could not stand the place. Gathering my stuff I headed towards the door.

"Faith, where ya think ya going?" Niall called out to me.

"Three, two, one," I said under my breath. The bell rang at the end of my little countdown. "Home" I called back to Niall over my shoulder. Opening the door I stepped out into the sunlight.


I was waiting for my little orch dorks. Katherine walked towards me and we started to head on our usual route. Our group was the usual trio, Allie, Katherine and I. It was just Katherine and I though since we were waiting for Allie. Or so we thought at the time.

"So do you wanna stalk Zach all the way home, then head to my house. Or we can head to my place, freshen up, then go to stalk Zach. What do ya think?" Oh Katherine. She asks all the hard hitting questions.

"Oh my gosh we're going stalking?!" That question flew through the air in a fake girly tone. Turning I came face to face with Harry. Cheeks burning I murmured a "No." Though we were. Just not with him.

"I don't judge." He smiled as he raised his hands innocently. The boys stepped out from behind Harry trying not to smile. My cheeks burned even brighter.

"And here we had labeled Katherine the stalker." Zayn said letting his smile take over his face.

"Awe she's blushing!" Niall cooed. Irishmen are officially the bane of my existence. I sighed and finally found enough pride to answer Katherine's earlier question.

"The second option," I took a breath. "Because he's probably already home." I glared playfully at he boys as I said this. Yep, the sass is back. Katherine was trying, and failing, to smother a laugh. I sank down to the floor for a bit. Our group was still incomplete. Allie was still in the orchestra room. Good Girls by 5SOS suddenly filled the air. My ring tone. Reaching for my phone I held it up to my ear with a "Vas Happenin!" Zayn shot me a look for using his thing. The person on the other end suddenly replied while I was sticking my tongue out at Zayn.

"Hey Hope" Zach said his voice filling my ear. I held a hand to my chest. 'Who is it' Katherine mouthed to me. I just shook my head. "You there?" I heard Zach ask.

"Yeah sorry, just a bit distracted" I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Let's get straight to the point. I was calling to see why you haven't stalked me today." I very nearly collasped. Everybody was looking at me concerned. I was blushing for the second time in like five minutes. Trying to respond I scoffed.

"Psh, I don't stalk you!" I cried indignantly. The boys gave me a look at that statement. Now it was Zach's turn to scoff.

"C'mon Faith I know you follow me home from school." I heard him suck in a deep breath. "So I was wondering if you would follow me on a date?"

"Why would I- Oh" The air got sucked out my lungs after my sudden realization. He wanted me to go out with him. Me.

"Was that a no? Sorry just forget I asked, it was stupid and weird, so I'm sorry" Zach added hastily.

"No, no, no, I mean yes, yes and yes. I would love to."

"Love to what?" Katherine asked confused. I held up one finger. The universal sign for one moment. Hearing a muffled "Yass!" I giggled.

"Okay, I'll pick you up Friday at eight. Wear something fancy."

"You know me, I'm so fancy." I sang. Zach laughed.

"What's your address?" Zach asked me. I heard the rustling of paper.

"What, are you going to stalk me now?" The boys gave me quizzical looks.

"Har, har, har; I just want to know where to pick you up." I quickly rattled off Katherine's address to him. Katherine looked at me weirdly as I did so. After that Zach and I said our goodbyes.

"What just happened?!" Katherine demanded after I hung up.

"Let's just say we won't be stalking Zach again." I said dreamily.

"Uh uh, I want details." She said, one hand cocked on her hip. I quickly gave her the run down of what happened leading up to the big moment.

"And then he asked me out." I finished simply.

"What?!" Katherine and Harry screamed in tandem. Katherine in astonishment and over laying excitement, Harry in absolute incredulity.

"What, don't think I can get a date Styles?" I asked inserting hurt into my tone. I wanted to see him squirm.

"No I just thought...." He trailed off.

"Thought what?!" I asked as my lips star to shake (A/N: How does she know who am lol). Yep piling it on thick. "Am I not good enough!" I made my voice crack. My hands shook as I looked at him through false tears.

"No I think your beautiful!" Harry blurted trying to back track.

"Thank you." I said smiling brightly. Harry looked confused. I rolled my eyes. "Can't ya tell the real from the fake," I pointed to my eyes. "Fake tears." Allie chose that moment to finally show up. I squealed. She had my guitar, I forgot to go get it.

"What did I miss?" She said lifting up my guitar. 'I'll fill her in later' I thought, as I rushed over to get my baby. Niall approached as I grabbed it.

"You play?" He asked nodding towards the guitar.

"Nah I just use it cause it's a chick magnet."


Harry's POV (Yea!)

Jealousy is a bad emotion. I mean I don't like Faith really. So why do I feel this way?

"You like her." Louis didn't ask but simply stated it. A statement apparently not directed towards me. Turning I saw Lou facing me.

"Yes, but she likes Zach!" I replied and sneered at the name. I couldn't help my grimace as I  said his name.

"If you really like her you'll find a way mate." Louis said clapping me on the back, Inwardly I let my disappointment overcome me. Then I became determined.

"Your right. I WILL find a way. Thanks Lou you always know what to say." I sighed deeply as I said it but I knew it was true. I just couldn't let her go.

A/N: Yeah I'm back! There you go, you've finally got an update. Omg NIGHT CHANGES. Tell me what you think about it. I would just like to tell you that Zach IS a real person. Maybe I'll post a little message about him if you want. Post your opinion in the comments section. I love you all, please vote and comment so i know how I'm doing.




Love, Hope Storan (Forever Narry)

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