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"I don't know if I like him or not but I do know he's an idiot and I don't whether I should go visit him again or not or just let it be and I don't know if like he thinks were dating and I don't know anything!!!!!!."

"Calm yo tits. Yes Will is an idiot but I can't tell you whether or not you like him. Visiting Will could possibly hurt or help you. Hurt as in you do like him and he finds out at the same time you do or help by showing him how unaffected you were by your last visit to him. And no, Zach does not presume that you and his best friend started dating out of the blue." Allies advice calmed me down. I could handle this now.

"You always know what to say." I replied to Allie while I was now attempting to wrap myself around her like a koala.

"Ewww. Get off of me loser!" She screamed frantically at me.

"I know you love me." I said grinning up at her like a maniac.

"No I don't, who lied to you?" I just pout at her deNIALL. Ha get it, de-Niall, cause, cause...

Wow, I'm even a loser in my own thoughts. While that sank in Allie finally managed to detach me from her.

"Now that I have given you such fabulous advice, what you going to do?"

"Ummmmmm, cry in my emo corner?"

"Nooooooo, your going to make a damn choice." Allie said frustrated.

"Okay Clamden, I'll go to the damn hospital." Clamden was our theatre teacher who loved to exclaim and rant on how actors needed to make choices.

"Good, right choice."

I rolled my eyes and flipped onto my bed. Fuck me I swear.

"Sooo.....come with?" I sweetly asked Allie.

"Course not, your a strong independent woman. And I don't want to go."


So here I was....

At the hospital....

*Insert dramatic sigh*

Here I go...

Into Wills room

*More sighing, extra dramatic*

"Hey, I- oh, hi boys"

So there I was trying to because good citizen and BAM! I see One Direction trying to step up their citizen game too! Small world man.

"Hey Faith." Liam responds for them. "We just came by to say our sorry's to Will. Well, Harry and I really. What are you doing here?"

Before I could respond, Will decided to put in his input.

"A girlfriend visits her injured, battered and bruised boyfriend, right?" Oh hell no bitch.

"No, a nice citizen visits their injured stupid ass classmates" I retorted. Will seemed to deflate but his face brightened right back up.

"Worth a shot buttercup"

"Worth a punch in the face" I replied not trying to tone it down. The boys all laughed.

"I'm wounded sweetheart. Literally"

"Come back when you deserve my pity."

"No love for the wicked I see."


"Before I throw up, what's up between you two?" Harry said confused as he interrupted our verbal battle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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