Thinking is Dangerous

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Hello my faithful readers. You finally get another installment of my craziness. You don't even know how much I appreciate you reading this :'). Updated on my kindle and unedited as always.


Chapter Five Thinking is Dangerous

"So are you better now?" I asked Harry.

"Yeah I just kept over thinking something." He said.

"You know thinking is dangerous." I replied to him seriously. Haz laughed at that.

"Yeah I know."

"Where you over thinking about those nurses?" I questioned him nodding my head emphatically.

"I just thought in American hospitals they would wear tight, short dresses." We had caught up with the rest of the group. No one responded to Harry. My response though was under my breath.

"Wow you really are the perverted one," I muttered. "And here I thought I had a dirty mind." Harry shot me a wink.

"I've got plenty of time to teach you love. Soon you'll forget what being innocent was ever like."

"Trust me those fanfictions are pretty good teachers already." I said shooting him a wink of my own. "Harry," I said getting his attention. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did." He said with a lazy grin.

"Okay can I ask you two?" I said know what he was trying to do.

"One!" Harry singsonged to me.

"Your so childish Harold!" I informed him. Though I was smiling so I don't think he took me seriously.

"Was that another that I heard come from that pretty little mouth of yours?" I was left stunned when he called me pretty. Well technically my mouth. Still part of my body so........ Thank you Mr. Styles for the compliment. I quickly tried to organize my suddenly scattered thoughts.

"It was a statement, fact really." I replied hotly.

"Mhm now what's your question." Harry said looking me straight in the eyes. Ughh what those eyes did to me. I cleared my throat. Harry started to look concerned as I took my time to answer. I don't even blame him. Some pretty crazy things did come out of my mouth. Yeah I agreed with him, I would be worried to. I chewed on my bottom lip.

"I hate to sound to 'ohmygosh' but would sign my cast?" Harry had a relieved look. Hey I'm not crazy all the time jeez Harreh.

"Of course love." He replied. I was so happy and wanted to go bonkers but I kept my fangrling down to a excited face. Harry then proceeded to pull a silver sharpie from his back pocket. He started to sign it and I desperately tried to take a look.

"No peeking." Harry said and covered his work with his hand. As he uncovered it he sang "Call me maybe!" With a wink of course.

"I just might." I breathed out awed. "Why did you give me you give me your number?" I asked mystified.

"Do you not want it?" Harry said faking hurt. Though you could hear real hurt lurking in the depths of his voice

"I do," I quickly assured him. "But why me?" Haz looked happier now.

"Because I can" he said while poking my nose. I laughed in amusement. Poking HIS nose I said "Because I can is not a good enough reason!"

"It is for me." Harry simply said. Before I could respond Niall came over.

"I feel really bad that I'm the reason you broke your arm." Niall said remorse heard in his voice. "Hey I just meet you, and this crazy. I broke your arm so call me maybe!" Niall finished.

"You know I don't have your number right?!" I giggled at him. Yes legit giggled. He smiled and said "You will." Harry grumbled.

"He stole my line, but I still did it better" he mumbled with a self assured look. I shot a look at Harry. Niall just ignored his comment.

"Lets change that whole I don't have your number problem." Niall said grabbing my arm. Harry mumbled something else. Something like "Trying to be charming, TRYING." Sighing I smiled at Niall. Realization hit me then. Niall and Harry gave me their numbers because they possibly like me. Fangirling like no tomorrow in my head, I tried to collect my thoughts. Liam and the rest of the gang stopped to let the rest of us slackers catch up. Liam took one look at my cast and said "I hope you dont mind the rest of us signing your cast."

Really Liam, really. Yeah your biggest fan would mind. Cause you signing my cast didn't make me feel like I was about to die, then go to fangirl heaven. Yass there is such a place. After the boys signed my cast my friends took over. In the end I had seven new silver signatures, and five numbers. I stared at them all in amazement.

"Thank you."   I said breathlessly.

"Hey we broke your arm, the least we could do is sign your cast." Lou said to me. Tears started to foem in my eyes. They just didn't understand. Now, today, all of my dreams were realized,. Being saddened all these years by the thought I would never meet them................. this day was every Directioners dream. And here I was living it.

We were approaching the school gates. I groaned while looking at my watch. Time for seventh period. Good thing I actually liked that class. As we came upon the gates I noticed a figure. A tall and hadsome one at that. Paul. Just kidding, I couldn't make the face of the person yet. As we rounded the corner I could see exactly who it was. Maybe thats why I called out to him.


Yep I'm stupid it's official.

A/N: I know its short and I haven't updated in a while, but I kind of rewrote it on the fly. Please keep in mind updates might come sooner than you think. Also your welcome for this nearly two in the morning update. Thats how you know I love you.

Love, Hope x.

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