That Just Took An Unexpected Turn

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*Insert smirk* Like I said in the last chapter, torture is my specialty. That and being bitchy. Sorry for the wait. Now on to the chapter!


"She went out with Zach and she already has a boyfriend?" Will said confused." Wow, she really is a slut." He said under his breath.

"You really shouldn't have said that."

After that I lost it and punched him in the face.

Chapter Whatever Number is next. I lost track and I'm lazy, sue me!

Harry's P.O.V

Well maybe punched isn't the word. Unless you consider a good verbal beat down a punch on your psyche. No? Worth a try.

"Slut shaming is serious! Do you know how that makes someone feel when you insult them like that?!" I shook my finger at him in a scolding manner. "People become emotionally scarred like that. It makes them feel worthless and they soon start believing that what you say is true. I am very disappointed in you for not having made better choices in life." Will was looking at me with a sense of confusment and so was the crowd that had gathered. They all groaned before walking off.

Teenagers were blood thirsty. They could care less as long as someone would bleed.

"So you're NOT going to fight me?" Will asked to clarify. I laughed.

"Oh no, I leave that to Liam. I didn't take boxing." I chuckled again then I sobered.


Faith's P.O.V

All I heard was "FIGHT!" and I went running. I missed every single one and this time was going to be different. I tried to move to the front of the crowd.

"Move you blood thirsty beast!" I yelled. Though I was being hypocritical. I wanted to see this violence too. And I would certainly want a front row seat if it was someone I didn't like.

I finally broke through the crowd to see Will with someone on top of him. I turned to the person next to me grinning.

Karma was a quick one.

"So, who's Will up against?' I asked.

"That one dude from One Direction. Liam I think?" The student turned back to watch the truly unfair battle. I was actually felt bad for Will. I had to stop this.

I tried whistling. Didn't work.

I tried to be calm and logical about it. Didn't work.

And I knew pulling them apart would only get me hurt.

"It's times like this I'm glad I have a big mouth." I whispered to myself.

"HEY!!!!!!" I screamed. Everyone froze and was immediately quiet. "Thank you." I straightened my clothes and walked to the boys. Liam jumped up and looked at me guilty. Will was just curled into a ball on the floor.

"Sorry?" Liam said awkwardly, almost like it was a question. I rolled my eyes.

"No your not." I turned to the people still staring at me. "Someone get the nurse." I demanded. Fifty people left to fulfill my request. "And go get me some food!" Another immediate response. A girl could get use to this. Can't let the power go to my head though.

I could end up evil, I was already too close now. Liam tried to apologize again.

"Save it for Will. I think you might have broken a rib." Liam grimaced as I said that. Whether it was because I said apologize or implied he had broken a rib, I don't know. Nor do I care. I just hope he felt bad for doing such violent actions. I should have been the one to break Will's ribs! You don't get the same satisfaction watching someone else do it. *Insert evil smirk here*.

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