The Waiting Room

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: amcmusic

A/N I hope this chapter makes up for me not updating for a while. Sorry but I've been studying for my EOC's. Here is the new chappie hope you enjoy.

Love, Hope



Harry said "Are you okay?", while Liam stated "I think her arm is broken." I felt a light touch on my arm, and a lightening hot pain. Then the world faded to black yet again...............


For the second time that day I awoke in a warm lap.

"Liam no dip Sherlock." I told him.

"Huh." he mumbled confused but excitedly. I heard more excited murmurs coming from throughout the group. I guess Liam wasn't the only one happy I was awake.

"You said my arm was broken, and since it was obvious,I said no dip Sherlock." I informed him slowly like he was a small child.

"Faith I said that about a half a hour ago." He told me while giving me a weird glance.

"I've been out that long!" I was shocked. "I guess I was just trying to catch up on my sleep." I finally said with a shrug. Zayn chuckled at that.

"I wish I could." he said with a yawn. At the same time I yawned also.

"Aw," I said in a high pitched tone. "We have a connection."

"Yeah I guess we do." Zayn said then smiled at me. That's when the smell hit me. The scent of medicine and disinfectant.

"Hey where are we?" I questioned.

"The Emergency Room." Harry answered me.

"Oh." I said not really caring. I only focused on the fact my arm was going to get fixed. At that moment(A/N I didn't even mean to do that! lol) the doctor came out.

"Miss. Faith Goode?" The doter called out looking around.

"Here!" I said trying to beckon him over with my left arm. Suddenly a tsunami of nausea and pain hit me. I gripped Harry for support. 'I guess I know which arm is broken' I thought. The doctor led us to an examining room. The boys closed the door behind them "So," He sat down, clicked a pen, and started writing in a chart. "Which arm is broken?" He looked up at me and adjusted his spectacles. The doctor looked at both arms questioningly. I gave him a withering glance. Searching for his name tag I said " Look Doctor.......Johnson well-." I got cut off by Zayn.

"Obviously, it's her left" Zayn said while rolling his eyes. Louis's response wasn't as calm.

"Which bloody arm has a bone sticking out!" Louis screamed. Liam just sat there calmly. He looked so much like his Daddy Directioner persona in that moment. 'I wish I could be Mommy Directioner' I thought. I shook my head to rid myself of my thoughts so I could focus.

"Boys," Liam said making me jump. The way Liam said made it sound like they were three year olds instead of grown men. You could tell he had done this MANY times before. "The doctor is just trying to do his job." Liam stated in a calm manner. The boys looked scolded. Which I guess they just did get reprimanded.

"You aren't our father Li." Louis informed him with a scowl.

"I know that but I am the most mature." Liam said while crossing his arms. He looked smug, like he had just won the battle.

"Not at the moment." I whispered. Louis didn't look like he had a response for Liam. He just kept on scowling. But then he finally found his rebuttal.

"That does not give you the excuse to act like a bi-"

"What was that Lou?!" Liam questioned while cupping his ear.

"I said THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE EXCUSE TO ACT LIKE A-" I cut him off by clapping my hand over his mouth. Which, of course, had to be my left.

"Lou watch your language." I commanded through gritted teeth.

"Sorry Mommy Direction." Louis said with a lopsided grin.

"Hey can't you tell she's in pain." Liam said.

"Wouldn't be the other way around?" Harry asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. We all ignored that comment.

"I could ask the nurse to give you a pain shot if you would like." The doctor said turning away as if he knew my answer.

"Yes I would like that very much." I told him flashing my grin.

"Remember my name is Dr. Johnson if you need anything." He said flashing his own smile.

"Thank you." I told him my smile still in place.

"My pleasure and remember anything, ANYTHING at all call me." Dr.J answered walking out the door.

"Pervert!" Harry called out after him.

"Like your one to talk." Niall snorted. Harry just shrugged. He couldn't disagree with that statement. Soon enough the nurse came in.

"Hello I'm nurse Anne." The nurse came in looking at the boys. I could already tell I wouldn't like her.

"Hi I'm-" I started.

"Yeah yeah whatever kid." She said still focused on the boys.

"OK then." I breathed out. The nurse approached me. She had that 'This won't hurt a bit' face on. And let me tell you that face was lying! When that needle entered my arm I whimpered like a puppy.

"Sorry." She said not sounding the least bit apologetic.

"Sorry." I mocked her. She sashayed towards the door after giving me a disgusted look. Once there she turned to give the boys, what I'm assuming was, the flirty wave and wink combo. I called out after her.

"I know I'm sexy but I'm not legal yet!" She turned back with a sniff.

"In your dreams"

"Always babe!" I blew her a kiss. The boys and Kat looked at me before bursting into fits of laughter.

"What, I know she wanted me!"



And Fan


       Hope Styles

The Exchange Students (On Hold/Slow Updates)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें