Competition winner- story!!

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The winner is @x_SnowFlame_x !!

Congratulations I actually cried lol

u guys will surely enjoy this as much as i did :D

So here's the story:

When Karkat first discovered he was a mutant. It was through death. He remembered it clearly.

Zombies came from every corner, they were unprepared, wishing, hoping for a way out, he stood back to back in a protective circle with his two closest friends, the drug-addict high school dropout Gamzee he'd never admit that he'd cared for since they were kids, and the cackling symbol of justice Terezi, her blindness not handicapping her in any way despite the hoard surrounding them.

They should've known, they had been warned by Sollux but hadn't taken him seriously, I mean Zombie apocalypses only happened in video games, right? Unfortunately not.

Terezi was the first to go. Her cyan-dyed hair coated in her crimson blood, she let out a gruesome shriek like a banshee as one of the undead sunk his teeth into her soft skin, as the blood began to pool out onto the floor underneath her she cried out for Karkat in pain, tears streaming down her face, her cherry red glasses cracked, there was nothing he could do but stand there frozen in shock, his cane colour sickles clutched in his sweaty hands, he tried to call out to her, but when he opened his mouth nothing came out. For the first time ever, Karkat Vantas was lost for words. When she eventually collapsed onto the floor, slowly transforming into one of them, he at last came to his senses, killing the one who'd infected her. But it was too late then. She was one of them.

Gamzee went next. He wielded his juggalo bats with a fearsome, brutal power, furious at the loss of yet another of their friends. Then something- snapped inside him. He let out a huge roar filled with demonic anger before laughing hysterically,smashing the skulls of the ones left like they where just paper mache like the stuff they'd played with as kids.He was so caught up in his rage that he didn't hear. Karkat's warning went unanswered and soon Gamzee was just another decaying corpse on the dirty ground.

It should've been him next, he braced himself and waited, tense, grief encasing him like a coffin, he just wanted it all to be over. He held his breath as he felt the roaring pain of his brain being gnawed into nothing, his skin decaying. He closed his eyes for what he thought would be the last time, finally letting go.

Then he woke up.

It was then he found out that he was a rare mutation. He was alive, yet dead. Physically he was, in every way, a zombie. But mentally he was still human, he'd done something no other zombie could, he'd kept his human brain.

It was agony, true torture. He just wanted it all to end. As he trudged down a dark alley, he hadn't seen anyone since that day- wait. Was that really? It had to be. Quickening his pace Karkat began running to the familiar figure, he just had to tell him he was really human, it would all be alright, He'd help him, he'd-


Your name is Dave Strider and you've just shot what you think is the zombie of your long-time friend Karkat Vantas.

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