Chapter 2

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The sun hadn't even raised yet. The World was covered with a thick silence. Everyone was laying in their bed, dreaming of pink goats, flying rabbits, their own Disney-romances, their tomorrow. They subconsciously planned their future with weird metaphors.

But someone was still awake. Or to be more accurate, he had already woken up.

A Man with short, red hair with some black strands to make him look a bit more radical sat in the kitchen wearing only his boxer shorts. Air in his apartment was warm and soft so he didn't need any more clothing to cover up his muscular, strong body - his body was something that you could see in every advertisement that tried to get you buy new underwear or perfume. He looked like he had been photoshopped. God - if there even was one - had photoshopped a living angel without clothes in the small kitchen of a new apartment on the sixth floor of a new apartment building on the western side of the city. He had photoshopped his face to look as charming as possible - his straight nose and long, sharp chin made everyone's legs turn to boiled spaghetti. His burning red eyes full of passion made everyone hold their breath.

But now his eyes were full of sleepiness. His hair was a mess, and his appearance told that he'd fall asleep in the chair if he couldn't get some coffee - now. He had slept just a few hours, but going back to bed would be useless - he knew he couldn't fall asleep again. He just knew it.

Maybe it was because of his nightmares. He had been through the same nightmare for years now, but there didn't seem to be an ending for it. He woke up two or three times a week in the middle of a night, the clock showing always the same time - 04.36. He was always covered with cold sweat and his breathing was heavy. His heart raced in his chest in terror. His hands were shaking, his mouth felt as dry as the desert near the equator.

He didn't like sleeping anymore. He always tried to come up with something to do at nights so he wouldn't need to go to sleep. It was actually pretty easy. Coffee kept him going. And he didn't even have to go to work to earn his living - his dad was rich as hell and was always handing lots of money to his son. It was almost too easy, too comfortable but why would he say no?

"Fuck everything..." he muttered silently, still half asleep. After a tenth of a second, he had forgotten if he had even said anything. Did he just imagine that or did he really let his words out? Feeling was uncomfortable. He couldn't even trust himself anymore.

The redhead straightened his hand to pull yesterday's bills closer from the other side of his small table. He let his tired gaze check them through. Eyes examined every paper without having any logic in the way they moved.

"Taiga Kagami

XXXXX Electricity"

"Taiga Kagami

XXXXXXX Warming"

"Taiga Kagami

W.A.T.E.R. X.X.X.X.X."

Every piece of paper had his name written on them. Every piece of paper had a big amount of money written on them - he loved to take long showers, he always keep a dim lamp on through the whole night, he wanted his apartment warm. If everyone was like him, this planet would run out of everything in few years. He wasn't that kind of a guy who that'd even matter. His dad had enough money to pay his bills, so why would he care? What would change if the nature died and made the living even harder and more dangerous?

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