Chapter 9

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Kagami couldn't keep the promise he made for himself. He was so sure that he'd never visit Tetsuya's place again, but how could he have been able to resist his invitation, when he looked at him with those big, blue eyes of his? No, he just couldn't say no.

He'd rather suffer from anxiety with that dog being in the same room as him than see the disappointment and sorrow written all over his face.

Often he tried to come up with some valid reasons to get Kuroko to his place. He promised to cook him whatever he wanted (usually all Kuroko wanted was just a homemade vanilla milkshake. It always filled his eyes with happiness and pleasure), recommended some new books to him or just simply said that he wanted to be alone with him, not willing to have even a small dog interrupting them. Of course, saying the last one was always so embarrassing for him. The color of his cheeks always matched with his hair when explaining his will.

Tetsuya always agreed. He didn't care where or when they'd be. It'd be fine just as long they could spend their time together.

Many times they just walked around the town, visiting shops and coffee houses, maybe even restaurants sometimes if Taiga was willing and able to pay a meal for both of them. The redhead always wanted to drive from a place to another, but Tetsuya often refused. He wanted to get some fresh air and use his own body. And Taiga never said no. How could he say it to those big, blue eyes?

They did whatever Tetsuya wanted. He had the might to make Kagami do whatever he wanted.

But he didn't actually even realize it. And so couldn't misuse it.

Once again they were spending their Friday night at Taiga's apartment. Tetsuya had had a rough and busy week at work. To get some excessive money to be able to offer the redhead a meal or something else someday, had he stayed at cafe Timeless for a few hours longer that he should have. Those extra hours cost him his good nights sleep and most of his free time. No, he hadn't been even able to take his little pet for a long walk even once during that week. Nigou had always had to be satisfied with just a little round around the park right next to their home.

That day, all he had had time for before heading straight to Kagami's apartment, was changing his clothes, taking Nigou for a 10-minute walk and pouring him a large portion of dog food and filling his water cup. He wasn't sure when he'd come back, so he wanted to make sure that his baby wouldn't starve during the time he had to be alone in the dark apartment, where just a silent sound of radio would bring some voice.

Kuroko felt the soft scent of miso soup from the kitchen when he was laying on the couch, reading Angels & Demons for the fourth during his life. The scent disconnected from the book for a few seconds, made him raise his gaze from the black font to the kitchen, gentle smile on his pale lips.

Taiga looked good wearing his deep red apron. He looked like a guy who could be the perfect father. He looked like a guy who'd love his child no matter what, who'd do anything for him or her, who'd always be there for his child, who'd take care of the home.

The bluenette couldn't help but smile when those thoughts were still filling his mind as Kagami walked to him to the living room, still wearing his apron, carrying two steaming cups in his hands. You could read from his face that those cups were burning the skin of his palms, and he did his everything not to spill the soup everywhere around him.

He closed the book and slowly put it down as the other male placed the cups on the glassy little table in front of the white couch. He sat down, right next to him, not turning his gaze away from the shorter one even for a second.

"I'm really sorry for not being a good company for you today. I completely forgot what a mess my house was, and yet I invited you here," he apologized silently, apologizing that he had been cleaning the rooms of his apartment during the whole time Tetsuya had been there.

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