Chapter 3

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The bell rang when the redhead stepped inside. The warmth of the coffee shop hit his face and he froze on his place, standing right in front of the door. It was almost empty inside. There were no customers - probably because everyone was either in school or at work. There were no people like Kagami - just spending their time because they had nothing important to do.

Fresh cupcakes and cakes placed under the domes that were made of clear glass. It'd keep them fresh, it wouldn't let them get dry and ruin their taste.

The scent of chocolate, strawberries, fresh coffee, vanilla and fresh dough filled his lungs. He loved 

this scent. It made him feel so relaxed. It made him feel like he was home - if he just wasn't so lazy, he'd bake every day something so his apartment would smell like this. And the other reason he didn't do it that he had no one to share his creations with. Doing something just for yourself wasn't as pleasing as doing it for or with someone.

When the redhead was looking around, someone finally walked to behind the desk, wearing a bit brownish gray apron and a white shirt. The short male looked good with his light blue hair pulled slightly back. He was like made for standing right there, selling cupcakes and coffees, smiling to his customers, and then bringing their orders to their tables. Yeah, he didn't get a very good salary from working in a place like this, but the job really was something he wanted to do. And where would he even need any money? He lived alone with his dog, and he wasn't that kind of a guy who'd spend all his nights out drinking and partying. Of course, he liked doing that once in a while when Hide asked him to

spend time with him. But usually, he didn't need much money to live the life he liked.

"Can I help you?" he asked with his soft voice, blue eyes staring at the man wandering around the coffee shop with his red eyes. He was the only customer yet – well almost everyone was at work earning money, not spending it.

Taiga turned his gaze from the ceiling to the employee standing behind the desk, returned from his thoughts. Seeing the young man standing right there made his eyes widen a bit. That was the guy he almost drove over just some time ago! His hair was done differently and he wasn't wearing the same clothes than earlier, but his face was just the same. The redhead was great at remembering faces, and he couldn't be wrong about that.

"...It's you...!" he started a bit confused, taking slow steps towards the other man in the almost empty space. Tetsuya tilted his head a bit towards his other shoulder, probably just as confused as the redhead. What was he talking about? Was he mistaking him for someone else?

The moment was like straight from some cheap romantic movie where a guy would randomly meet the love of his life from the middle school and they'd fall in love again even if the years had passed. The only thing that wasn't matching with the storyline was the fact that they had not ever met before. Those eyebrows were something that couldn't be forgotten after seeing them once.

And Kuroko didn't remember them.

No, this was the first time their lives met.

That guy was mistaking him for someone else.

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