Chapter 10

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Tetsuya raised his gaze from the book he had borrowed from the redhead's little library before they had left his place.

Kagami had said that he needed some new clothes because he had gotten bored of the old ones, and needed someone who could say their opinion about the clothes he thought he would buy. It had been too many years to count when he had been shopping with someone for the last time.

Of course, Kuroko had agreed. He had never been shopping with anyone but his mother. And it had been more than 14 years from the last time. Silently inside his mind he laughed at him, feeling a bit jealous, not willing to admit it to himself. He had never been able to buy any clothes just because "he was bored of the old ones". But it wasn't his problem if Kagami wanted to do so.

He stared at him with his blue eyes for a while, staring at the male who was wearing a new pair of dark brown, a bit loose jeans and a blood red sweater. He followed how he turned around slowly, trying to build his opinion about the outfit of his.

"That sweater is nice, but those jeans don't fit you at all," he said quickly before lowering his gaze back to the lines of the Romeo & Juliet. He wasn't sure what to say. Everything looked good on him, but it would sound like he just wanted to get going as soon as possible.

Kagami looked at himself from the mirror for a while before walking back o behind the closed door. "I have one more outfit left. Then we can go," he said through the door.

In just a few minutes, he opened the door again, causing the slender male to raise his gaze again.

"What about this one?"

Tetsuya's eyes widened and a quick laughter escaped from his lips. He had to close his eyes, had to turn his face away so he wouldn't start laughing too loudly.

Taiga had changed for a pink net shirt that showed his upper body completely. For his legs, he was wearing only white shorts, really short ones. And what's the worst, on his head he had a pink ribbon.

God, he looked ridiculous!!

If the book he was holding wasn't Kagami's, he would have thrown it into his face. It took everything he had to not laugh out too loud, to not throw him with it, to not just stand up and walk away.

Tears started to burn the corners of his eyes. Tears caused by laughter.

"Change your clothes! You look awful!" he commanded immediately.

Taiga tilted his head slightly with an amused smile on his lips. His mission was to make the other laugh from the bottom of his heart. He had succeeded.

He returned back to the fitting room, leaving the bluenette on the bench alone, trying to hold his laughter in. He couldn't concentrate on the book anymore at all.

He laughed silently with teary eyes until Kagami walked out, holding the clothes in his hands. He had to bit his lower lip gently not to burst to laugh again when he saw the clothes the other male was wearing just some minutes ago.

Still wearing the same amused smile the redhead paid for the clothes he wanted and walked out of the store carrying a white plastic bag, taking slow steps so the bluenette could keep up the same pace as him.

How perfect day they did have. Kagami was a lot eager to buy anything Kuroko wanted, anything he looked at and smiled, anything he thought the bluenette would like to have. Even if he asked, Tetsuya didn't want to try on any clothes, but instead of them he bought him a new pair of shoes, one stuffed dog (even if its eyes were large and light blue, and to him it seemed like it would come to life at any second and kill everyone around it), three mugs and a couple of books they found.

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